Chapter 14

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He hugged her saying in her hair "it's good to see you baby".

Vanessa pushed him to get out of his embrace. The nerve of this man! Damn! She could see on the corner of her eyes that Jered didn't move at all. Trevor had talked loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. She had to get rid of him before the situation worsen.

"Trevor! What a surprise! I wasn't expecting you. Let me introduce you to my boyfriend" she said going to Jered. "Trevor, Jered. Jered, Trevor."

"Yeah, we met just before you came. Even though I can't say it was a pleasure" Said Trevor.

"Trevor! Wha..."

He didn't let her the time to finish "Oh! I understand now the reason of your disappearance. You're one of those girls who choose to give up their brothers for white men!"

Jered was still mute, stolid. Vanessa was getting angry.

"You should leave now Trevor."

But, he didn't seem to hear her. He kept going.

"You'd rather fuck that skinny dick instead of me, a real man. Come on, you got to be fucking kidding me."

Vanessa took a step back. He was insane.

"I decide who I want to fuck and if there's one thing I'm sure about it's that you'll never get to be one them"

"You bitch! You'll be lucky to get a taste of my dick" he answered angrily.

Jered was showing no emotions or intentions to do anything. Like a spectator unmoved by what was happening in front of him, he put his phone behind him, took water in the fridge and took a sip. It was obvious that he wouldn't help her.

"Trevor, get the fuck out of my house, or I'll call the police now."

"I'd love to see you do that baby" he answered towering over her.

Jered wanted to see how she would handle the situation. After all, Trevor was her friend. However, it was clear that she was losing control and he wouldn't let that piece of shit threaten her. He came, stood between them, forcing Trevor who was a little shorter than him to raise his head to look at him.

"Oh the shrimp has decided to get involve."

"You heard the lady pal, don't make me force you to leave. Be smarter than you look."

They stood there staring, no glaring at each other. He finally took few steps back and said. "See you soon baby" then left.

Vanessa was shocked and shook. Jered stood in front of her till the door was closed. Then he went back in the kitchen to take his phone. "Let's go!" he said getting out of the apartment.

Vanessa stood there a good minute, frozen. What just happened? She didn't know what to think of the reaction of Jered.

The drive to Jered's house was silent. She was uncomfortable. It was awkward.

"Jered, I'm sorry..."

"You've no reason to be sorry Nessa" he interrupted her.

"I swear, I hadn't talked to Trevor for a long time. I had blocked him. I don't know why he came today."

"It was pretty obvious. Don't you think?"

"I... I...I"

"Vanessa stuttering! That's new. Maybe you should fuck him to get out of his system, you never know. He might be good"

"Excuse me!" she said offended.

"You heard me Vanessa! Don't play coy. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for me being there, you would have, so don't play coy."

"I can't believe it! You're just a fucking asshole! Pull over!" She snapped.

But he just kept driving.

She turned toward him and yelled "PULL OVER!"

Surprised by her scream, he did as asked. She was furious, that he could tell.

"Who the hell do you think I am? What are we doing together if you don't trust me? I know when to recognize my mistakes but I did nothing wrong. I gave you no reason to talk to me like that. If you think I'm that kind of women, then we should just break up now because I won' spend my whole life trying to reassure you on my feelings and my devotion."

"Get out" he said after a moment.


"You just it yourself, we better end things now if I don't trust you, so it's over. Get out."

Vanessa couldn't believe it. She wouldn't give him the pleasure to beg or cry in front of him. She got out of the car, slamming the door behind her.

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