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Chapter Four


"We can have everything set up and ready to go in two weeks. The only thing we need now is the dancers. I figured we could position them here, here, and there, and possibly right next to the Deejay booth."

Greyson listened as his best friend slash business partner; Brandon Paxton explained the layout of their new establishment Wolf Pack. It was going to be an upscale night club with go-go dancers stationed in various corners high up in the room.

His vision for the club was very ambitious; during day hours it would house the go-go dancers as a simple bar and lounge. During the late-night hours, it would be a very upscale strip club. Maybe not so much stripping as the girls will be dressed in sexy clothing. He would have the place closed for six hours in between each set. He had two sets of workers to cover the shifts. It was a lot of money going into one place but he didn't care, the clientele would cover any losses he was taking with it.

It was a two-story building that would host various themed nights. Their soft opening—exclusive invite-only—was set to happen in two weeks. Then their grand opening—for the public—the following week, if all went well. The only issue Greyson was having right now was figuring out why the hell the dancers were being hired so late.

"What the hell you mean we need dancers still?" He shot his best friend a furious look ready to rip him a new one. "I'm pretty sure I told your ass to get that taken care of TWO WEEKS AGO!" He yelled shoving two fingers in his face to emphasize the point.

Brandon threw his hands up in defense not looking the least bit scared of Greyson's outburst. "Calm down I have it taken care of. The girls for part two are already taken care of, this is for part one. I have a list of potentials and I wanted you to have final say in who gets picked. You know me the bigger the ass and titties the better, but I know you wanted more class for part one." He shrugged his shoulders.

Brandon was every girl's wet dream, and he made sure they knew it. Standing 6 feet even, with brown cocoa butter skin, and a buzz cut. His physic would rival that of a god's. His looks didn't necessarily mean he had the best personality, he'd fuck the life out of someone then toss them like a used rag.

Greyson shook his head knowing his best friend wasn't going to keep his dick in his pants no matter who worked here. He didn't need that kind of drama starting out. Who was he kidding, Brandon would fuck anything with a working vagina if he wanted. It was just a matter of time before he went through these girls.

"Okay. Bring them out." He couldn't help but laugh as he made his way upstairs to his office so he wouldn't be seen.

Even though it was his club he wanted Brandon to be the face of it all, only because of the reputation he had in the streets. Why he wanted to keep a rep he had no hand in building was still something he was trying to figure out. Yet, the fear his name put into people gave him a sense of pride, like he was unbreakable.

"Ladies! Thank you all for being here. This is the final interview. Take your place anywhere you'd like and let's see what you got!" He heard Brandon say. Greyson stood and watched from his window as the girls took places around the club. Many took places in the dancing booths and some were bold enough to dance on a table.

It brought on unholy thoughts of seeing Red perform the night before. The way she moved on the small tables with grace and agility.

The music flowed through the speakers and he was pleased with how well the sound traveled and was crisp to the ears. He watched them move and be seductive and alluring. It's what he stressed the most to Brandon when it came down to choosing. He watched the way each girl controlled her movements being sexy but classy. It was difficult but, Greyson knew who to choose by the end of the song. He took out his phone and dialed Brandon's number.

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