chapter eight: you

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Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

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I grasped the strap of my backpack and walked down the hill again.

The end of my second day of school and it was surely eventful. I couldn't stop thinking about the guys I met. The fact that I already blown my cover twice really made me question the reason I am here.

I ran my fingers through the wig and sighed in annoyance. Someone is following me. I turned around to see nobody there, but a bush shaking. I raised my eyebrow, walking away from the bush.

I felt my spine shiver in fear. Okay, (Your Name), don't die now.

Suddenly, my body bumped head first into a chest. My whole body went flying and I fell onto the ground in shock.

I looked up to see Noah with a blank expression on his face. He reached his hand over to me, lending it to me so I can pull myself up.

Instead, I refused and hid behind Noah, scared to death and shivering.

"What?" He asked, unmoved by my actions.

He turned around and sighed at me, looking down at me as if I was a lost puppy. Slowly, his arms wrapped around my shivering figure, and a blush crept up onto my cheeks.

He seems so disconnected with his emotions yet he knows how to calm someone down. I started breathing slower and slower until the adrenaline dies off.

My face in his chest and my tears drowning his shirt. I was scared to death, can you blame me? What if it was some man trying to kill me? What if it's one of those rich folk that's trying to beat me up again?

"Mr. Hayes, we have a little trouble with the fan girls," a man interrupted, scratching the back of his neck.

I pulled myself out of Noah's embrace and inspected the man. He had a butler outfit on with a tailcoat and gray hair on his head that was slicked back. The butler had a mustache that was fluffy, but not so much it would go in his mouth. In my eyes, he looked like the stereotypical butler that every movie has.

"Ah," Noah grunted, looking a little disappointed.

I didn't know if I should question it or not. I guess I would understand, though. He was rich and famous, everything that people would want in their lover nowadays. Plus, he must have a pretty good and strong fan base in order to have so much views on one video.

To the side of them, a limo pulled up with a man with black shades driving it. The butler opens the door for Noah and awaits his command.

Noah looked at me, motioning me to come into the limo.

"Wait- I-"

"Our project," Noah interrupts, closing his eyes and looking through the window.

I sighed and sat in the car opposite sides of him. Let me tell you, if I had boatloads amount of money, I would trade anything for it.

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