Pt 1. The Pup

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Her paws hurt so much. She had been walking for days, or at least long enough for the blood to dry. Everything was hurting and throbbing, but there was no way she could stop. If she stopped, they would find her, and they would do terrible things to do. They wouldn't let her live if they captured her again. She just had to keep moving forward. So, she wobbled along, one paw barely after another. She walked until her paws couldn't anymore. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes, hoping not to open them again. Death would be better than going back to them.


They could all feel the intruder at the pack line, and border control was there immediately. That's when the pack got the report; a young pup had crossed the northern border. This pup was skinny, bleeding, and probably close to death.

The pup was sent to Marissa first, her being the pack's Theta. Teresa was there to help her carry the pup. If it weren't for the pup's chest's small rise and fall, Teresa would have thought the pup dead.

The gray fur was dark with blood with patches ripped off. One of her legs was ripped open almost to the bone, scratches lined her body, and someone had torn off the tip of the pup's ear. Teresa nudged the pup gently, but there was no response. She was completely out of it. That means they could do what they needed without the pup freaking out.

"Teresa, get the wash ready, we need to clean her to take care of her wounds. Watch out for the leg."

The woman nodded and carefully moved the wolf. She was at least too light. Malnourished, damaged, and probably traumatized by something. What happened to this pup?


It was so warm and comfy. She was definitely in heaven; no way would she be comfortable like this out there in the world. It even smelled better than the woods. Just how she imagined heaven to be like when she died. She was tired, though, something she didn't expect. And she couldn't open her eyes. Why couldn't she move her legs?

" do. The pup won't wake..." It sounded female, soft, and kind. Who else would be here with her?

"...eventually. Any record...?" Another she-wolf, she was starting to doubt she was in heaven.

"...just needs rest..." The first she-wolf again, and she knew that she was alive.

Why couldn't she be dead! If she were dead, she would be safe from them. If she woke up, she would have to keep running. She was just so tired of running.

The she-wolves continued talking, by she didn't focus on them. Her leg was starting to hurt again. Why was she in pain, anyways?


"...long time now...ill she wakes?"

She could hear the voices, but she still couldn't move. Where was she? Why couldn't she remember anything? The last thing she could remember was a man with evil eyes. What was going on?

Her heart started racing as thoughts continued filling her head. She had so many questions, but there weren't any answers to satisfy her.

"...heart rate increasing."

Then she felt cold. Cold made her feel pain; she knew that much. Her eyes snapped open as she started howling and barking. She had to get the cold away!

Soon after, the cold left her, and she finally got her eyes to open.

It was too bright; everything was blurry. Two figures were leaning over her, and she tried to get away from them. Her legs weren't moving, why couldn't they move! The figures were going to hurt her!

"I know you are scared, but please-"

The figure closest to her was interrupted by the door bursting open and two large men running into the room. The pup was startled by the noise and more figures coming in. She couldn't breathe, her heart was racing, and she couldn't get away from them. They were all talking, but she couldn't hear them.

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