Pt 12. Protective Urges

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He felt the rogues entering pack lands. A chill ran down his back from his position in the trees. Border control would be tracking; his siblings would attack. There was no reason for him to be involved.

'Go north.'

'There isn't anything north, Scudo. The rogues are coming from the west anyway.'

'Go north.'

This time, his wolf spoke firmly and came closer to the surface. He could feel the direction his wolf wanted him to go, north and slightly west. He shouldn't go. Getting involved with the pack could mean causing more trouble.

'Go north!'

Scudo took control of his feet, making him walk along the tree branch.

'Okay, okay!' Scudo let go, and Sergio stumbled to catch his balance. 'Don't cross the line Scudo, I'm in human form, and I'm in control. I'll head north, just don't take over again.'

He only got a growl. Still, the wolf backed down, leaving him alone.

'Rica, Monti, are you tracking the rogues?'

He jumped from tree to tree, climbing up and down while waiting for his siblings to answer.

'We lost them; they suddenly turned north instead of continuing towards the packhouse. We're too far up to scent the rogues; it's up the warriors.'

'Thanks, Rica. Stay safe.'

How did his wolf know to head north? Scudo didn't know anything about the rogues, yet he knew which way to go. Because of Scudo, he would arrive before anyone else.

'I'm more north than you are Rica, I'm gonna take my team; we would find them quicker than you tree climbers.'

Rica's laugh was heard through the family link, and Sergio smiled. 'As if you are faster than me. I've been trained since I was a kid; I'm practically a monkey.'

'How about we all agree that I'm the best out of the three of you?' Sergio added in, and suddenly the link was closed.

Rica was right, though; they were faster through the trees. Wolves may be crazy fast, but it's dark out, and there are plenty of things on the forest floor. Up in the branches, there is more light and fewer obstacles. Yet he and Rica's team were the only warriors that had trained to fight in the trees.

He stopped when the howls were right below him. He could smell the stench since he was on a lower branch. Easy enough.

'Monti, I found the rogues. Where are you?'

'A little further east than you are. Don't engage; wait for us to get there.'

He let out a sigh but obeyed his younger brother. Technically, he didn't have any authority, so Monti was in charge.

'Go down now.' Scudo spoke harshly and urgently.

'You heard Monti; we need to wait.'

'Go now. She needs us. I can feel her.'

She. Could it be? It had to be! He couldn't wait; he had to be down there for her!

He started leaping once again, running ahead of the rogues. From his view, he watched as they split up, some going further south or north. They were going to circle someone; she was down there!

Staying close to the rouges, he saw their target, a gray and brown wolf. He didn't know them, but he could feel a pull from the gray wolf. That was his second chance, just a couple feet below.

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