Pt 23. New Paths

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If the shots were given every morning, this would be day sixteen since the kidnapping. Two weeks since she had seen anyone or anything, even sunlight. Two weeks of tools that inflicted insane amounts of pain. Two weeks and not one sign from Viribus or Speranza.

"How much longer are you gonna be like this, Ester? I know it's part of your training to keep your mouth shut, but I just need you to say who let you out and that you're sorry."

As if she would point fingers. The poor person would end up killed or stuck in that strange metal cage filled with spikes. The woman would be better off where ever she was hiding or living.


The man continued to circle her, but her eyes stayed focused on the bright lights above her.

"Maybe I should be proud. You are a pretty face with a silent mouth. I bet I could get an amazing price for a girl that wouldn't fight back."

What was the point of fighting? Escape is impossible, and she had nowhere to go.

"I already have one, and I don't need two. I bet your sisters don't even remember you so, no worries on their end."


"Ah, I got a reaction from you, how exciting." He leaned over, his horrible grin appearing. "You didn't remember your sisters?"

She did. Regina remembered the girl and the woman, the older with sad eyes and the other with a child's happiness in her eyes. The girl was cute, with long dark hair and dark eyes like the woman. But there wasn't any fear in the girl.

"You have two now, though Cor is much better behaved than Jannie. Jannie is like you, defiant and individual. But after a week down here, she didn't act up as much."

"Cor is what Faya calls Engel, a sweet little girl that follows all the rules. But Jannie," He let out a sigh as he shook his head. "We got her recently, so she is still learning. If only she could be like her older sister, she would be down here less."

How could someone hurt children like that! Regina couldn't understand the monster's thinking; hurting is not an expression of love.

"I bet if you showed her what to do, Jannie would be better. They don't even know you're here, but some encouraging words might do wonders for my little girls. How about it, say you're sorry, and we can all go have dinner."

She wouldn't be hurt anymore; she could get off the table and move her body. It had been so long, the idea of stretching her arms sounded heavenly. The only break she had gotten so far were bathroom breaks; dinner seemed so good.

Now that Regina knew others were suffering because of this man, a spark was lit inside her. Regina couldn't give up now; there were others she needed to protect. She could do that, talk to the girls, and find out if there is the chance to escape. She had to help them; they were being hurt and held captive.

Relaxing, Regina finally let herself cry. Not for forgiveness or to apologize, but for the girls and her family. Everything back home is ruined, but she could do something now. Build a relationship and then help the girls escape.

"Oh, Ester." He leaned down to brush her hair aside. "My poor girl, you've been alone for such a long time. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But you don't need to worry anymore, Faya, and I will protect you and your sisters."

The man then got to work, untying her bands. Within seconds she was free to sit up, rub her arms, and move. But instead of having to come back in a while, the hope was to never come here again.

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