Pt 17. Riddle Me This

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Regina spent every day talking to Xander.

At first, it was difficult. She would send a thought to him, and he would end up being busy or talking to someone. He would then politely remind her about phones by texting her back. After several days, Regina finally caught on and started to text.

Xander is the oldest of three at the age of twenty-one; he had two younger sisters, Robin at seventeen and Ruby at fourteen. He had graduated from school a couple of years ago and was working for his uncle full time. It wasn't his lifelong dream to carve wood all day, but he said it wasn't bad.

Xander was surprised when he found out she had bought two of his crafts. He said to blame their Fated bond while she insisted it was because they were good. He didn't seem to believe her.

As the week passed, Xander would mention going on a date every once in a while. It wasn't until Mavis explained what a date was that Regina agreed to do one that Friday.

After that, Mavis and Atta kept having secret smiles. One day, Aisha even turned down going to the mall because she said she was busy. Regina had a bad feeling that they were doing something with Xander.

Xander, who had not been texting her since yesterday evening. The date was tomorrow, and he hadn't contacted her at all.

Regina threw her phone to the bed as she sat at her desk. Laying her head in her hands, she knew it was all because of the date.

Mavis said they were special occasions were couples did things and grew closer. So, why would Xander stop texting her? Wasn't the whole purpose, to know each other more?

With no one to talk to or do anything with, Regina tried to entertain herself. She did crosswords and puzzles; she loved the books that were full of them. After getting bored with those, she watched meaningless tv and scrolled through useless social media. No one was home; they were all doing something, without her.

By dinner, Regina was thoroughly bored. Nothing caught her attention, and she just wanted to do something with someone.

"So, you excited for tomorrow?"

The idea of doing anything made Regina excited.

'Absolutely, it's been forever since I've seen Xander.'

"Seven days isn't forever, Luce."

'Blame this Fated bond thing.'

Mavis and Atta shared a laugh while Regina pouted at her taco. Was it so bad that she wanted to be with Xander so much?

"Oh, it's fine. Mavis and I were just as bad. She lived further south, and I can't tell you how much money I spent driving to her town. She probably thought I was a goof."

"I did because of that haircut you had. You looked like an egg, and it was not attractive, I'm sorry. You're never allowed to shave your head again."

Atta made a fake face, and the two continued laughing and joking.

Regina smiled at them and the happiness surrounding them. If this was what being Fated meant, she would do it in a heartbeat. Someone there to love you, support you, and spend all day with you, it sounded perfect. And if he could cook half as good as Atta, she would be set for life.

From texting with Xander, Regina knew he wouldn't hurt her. He practically raised his sisters after his parents died. He always was in communication with her. Whether he had plenty of time to chat or if it was one simple text saying he would be busy for several hours.

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