Pt 5. Calming Scents

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Regina woke up once again with her heart racing and her breathing heavy. She could never remember any of the nightmares; she would only wake up panicked.

Regina knew she was waking up people, Marissa and Blake, especially. It wasn't like she could stop the nightmares; she didn't even remember them. Just red eyes and an evil grin. Nothing more, nothing less.

Once her breathing was back to normal, Regina yawned and stretched as she fully woke up. Marissa and Teresa were probably in whatever boring meeting so she would be free to do whatever she wanted.

What did she want to do? Regina fell to the bed, already bored. She had been outside and explored the yard. She had been all over the house, even went to the puAps a couple more times. There wasn't a spot Regina had visited; she had even gone down to the busy kitchen with Tyler.

There was one area, a staircase no one would let her go up. It was near the main entrance and above the hospital. There were other doors she couldn't go through; people probably lived there. But why would the entire second floor be restricted?

Marissa had told her firmly never to go upstairs, but that made the pup want to do it even more. Tyler and Blake weren't there, and Marissa and Teresa were at a meeting. If Regina were going to do it, this would be the best time.

Crawling down the stairs, Regina used her nose to push open the door. She didn't see anyone, and a smile grew on her face. Perfect!

She had memorized the way to the front door and back door a week ago, so Regina quickly found the staircase. This time though, it seemed giant! Regina had never seen that many stairs or had to climb them.

It wasn't like she had anything else planned for the day. She could spend all day climbing, as long as she got back to the room before Marissa and Teresa finished. Simple.

The stairs were easier than she thought, and soon Regina was at the top of the staircase. The hall made a turn, and soon she could see three doors. There was one door on each side of the hallway and another on the very end. She expected a lot more for the upper part of the house. Did only three families live up here?

As Regina was walking, she felt Speranza wake up. They hadn't talked much since Speranza took over, so Regina was a little surprised to have her wolf close.

Yet, the wolf didn't say anything. She was close enough to the surface that Speranza could talk if she wanted. Regina only felt excitement and longing?

Maybe Marissa was up here. She had been very kind and loving to Regina. Maybe Speranza liked the woman and wanted to see her.

If Speranza was that happy, Regina went along and decided to try and find Marissa. Regina sniffed at the ground; Marissa and Teresa's scents were fresh. They had come through this area quite recently.

Following her nose, Regina closed her eyes and walked blindly through the hallway. Because she was still walking, Regina assumed the scents were coming from the door at the end of the hall. So, she continued forward until she hit her nose on the door.

Seeping under the door was a soothing scent. Marissa and Teresa had never smelled like this; they smelt like wood and sweat. This smell was soft and flowery. It felt like home.

Regina opened her eyes in time to see Marissa open the door. But the smell wasn't coming from her. It was coming from the woman next to Marissa, who had shining yellow hair and bright blue eyes. Her eyes were soft and focused on Regina.

Regina didn't even notice she was walking. She went right past Marissa and Teresa, only stopping at the woman with yellow hair. Once at her feet, Regina took in a breath full of the calming scent, and she quickly relaxed.

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