Pt 8. Leaving and Growing

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Marissa was hiding. She was an adult, a warrior, and a doctor, but she was still avoiding the painful truth.

Mavis and Atta were leaving today, talking Regina Luce with them. Marissa was so happy for the pup; she would get love and all the attention she needs. But Marissa knew it wouldn't be coming from her, and she couldn't say goodbye.

How do you say goodbye to someone you love? It's not like Regina would visit, Montagna Sigcura is several hours away, and she would make a new family. Marissa would fall into the background, forgotten. That was a fact that she wasn't willing to accept.

A knock sounded at the door, and the doctor looked up with a smile.

"Ah, Mavis. I thought you would be packing. I know you guys are leaving soon." Shoot, her voice cracked.

Mavis smiled and walked into the office, pulling Marissa into a hug. Marissa melted, needed comfort.

"I don't know anything about you, but I know how much you care for Luce."

Mother's instincts, Mavis was good. Regina Luce would be in good hands, that was a comforting thought.

"I want to thank you, because of you and your assistant's work, I have a daughter to bring home." The woman pulled away, and Mavis smiled with tears in her eyes. "Throughout my marriage to Atta, I've lost three children. I finally have the chance to have a family, and I can't thank you enough."

Well, Marissa couldn't say anything now. Sure, she and Blake didn't have any kids, but that was because they couldn't get pregnant. Mavis, though, this woman had children and lost them somehow. You can't miss what you don't have.

"I'll watch over her, I promise. And I'll make sure she doesn't forget you or this pack. We will revisit Liam and most likely my parents, and when we do, Luce will see you again."

Mavis then walked away, leaving Marissa in tears.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Teresa's voice was full of poison, enough to kill a wolf. Marissa turned, tears still falling, and smiled.

"How can I, Mavis and Atta are happy, and Regina Luce is safe."


The bags were packed, and everyone gathered in the entrance hall. This was goodbye.

"You come back and visit; you got that sister?" Uncle Liam spoke with a smile while both of his kids groaned.

Neither looked up from their phones as the boy spoke. "No one talks like that, dad."

"It makes you sound old." The girl finished.

"Zamir, Zikari, don't make fun of your dad." Sarah scolded her children, and Liam smiled at his Fated. "In his old age, he won't hear it anyway."

The group all laughed at Liam's shocked face while his family all shared a laugh. Her cousins sure were strange. They spoke weird, were focused on their phones all the time, and were much younger than Regina.

"Beta is right though, come back Regina, you will always be welcome." The Alpha returned to the subject at hand, and the Luna waved. She didn't talk much.

"Gamma Ally is sorry she isn't here; training is happening, and she is busy. Still, she and her Fated say goodbye."

Regina turned to Marissa when she spoke, and her chest was tight. Marissa's eyes were red, but she was still smiling.

Regina walked to the woman and hugged her before Marissa even finished her sentence. Everyone else continued talking, giving them some sort of privacy.

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