Pt 11. A Party Gone Wrong

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Since the mall trip a week ago, Regina had felt more open and ready to explore. As long as Aisha was with her, of course. Together they had gone out for ice cream, to the park, and even bowling. Regina met pack members by having breakfast in the pack kitchen instead of in her own. It was nice, going outside of the house. Still, Regina knew that she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without Aisha.

"Please! It's Friday night, and we don't have anything planned tomorrow. The pack will be there, and I can introduce you to my family. Please, Regina."

Regina turned from the girl, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle Aisha's puppy eyes. They always seemed to sparkle and shine no matter where the sunlight was. If she looked, she would be convinced, and Regina really didn't want to go.

This morning, Aisha had skipped into the kitchen and told Regina all about a pack party that night. Apparently, it was for the start of summer and the end of school. Everyone was invited; it was this huge thing everyone went to.

Regina did not want to be one of those people. It would be dark, crowded, and she would somehow end up losing Aisha. The girl blended into the dark; Regina wouldn't take those chances.

"This will be fun; we get to make S' mores, have candy and junk food, telling scary stories!"

Regina was not going, never.

"And we have glow sticks we wear or wave around. Some may even have sparklers. Last year they had glow in the dark paint, and we played hide and go seek. It's so much fun, it's the most I ever interact with the pack kids, and I want to go, with you."

Regina turned to face her friend and let out a heavy sigh. If Aisha had glow-in-the-dark items, she wouldn't lose her, right? And she didn't want to take Aisha from the rest of the pack.

Finally, Regina nodded, and Aisha let out a cheer. She started dancing and waving her arms around like a fool. Regina couldn't help but smile.

"Is there a reason why we are screaming Ai?"

They both turned to see Mavis in the hallway.

"Yes! I finally convinced Regina to go to the end of school party tonight. It's gonna be awesome!"

"Just be careful and don't go too far into the woods. Glow-in-the-dark doesn't mean you won't trip or get lost. And make sure you two don't lose each other, Mable would kill me if you didn't come home in perfect condition."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Regina and I will be careful, Mavis. Let's go get ready!"

Regina was then dragged out of her own house without a choice. She was going to regret this.


The sun was just starting to sink when Aisha took Regina outside. Regina hadn't expected to see hundreds of teenagers surrounding several tables and firepits. Regina thought the party would be smaller, quieter. That was not the case at all.

It was loud. Everyone was talking, loudly. Someone was even singing with several other bad voices following along. It was chaotic everywhere Regina looked. She didn't like this at all.

"Come on; I want to introduce you to my brother!" Aisha was practically yelling as if they all didn't have super hearing.

Regina didn't resist as the girl pulled her along. It wasn't worth the energy. For someone so young, Aisha was strong. Or Regina was weak, that could work too.


A boy turned and beamed at Aisha.


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