Pt 30. Strength, Purity, and Protection

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"To Family! For we are all together at last, my family joining with yours. May the new year be full of memories and laughter!"

Abe finished, and the rest of the hall was full of cheers. People began to talk amongst themselves, lights filled the room, and the air was light. Regina couldn't believe it.

Looking down the long table, Abe sat in the center with an empty seat on his left and Faya on his right. He was talking to the other men on the table, cheering and even laughing. It didn't seem fake, but it was difficult to see.

This man hit his Fated, scarred children that he kidnapped after killing their families, but he looked like a good man. If she didn't know what happened behind the scenes, Regina probably would have believed his fake smile.

First, there was dinner. Turkey was on every table along with other food, rolls, potatoes, and such. Drinks were at every plate; for the adults, it started as water but later turned to Wolf's Bane.

The tables were then full of chocolate, pies, cakes, and more sweets than Regina had ever seen in her whole life. Children happily ate more than they had for dinner, and soon after, most of them went home.

With the children gone, drinks flowed, and the singing started. Christmas songs, folk songs, and others Regina didn't know. The air was full of joy as light shone on happy faces. It was the first time Regina had seen any of the pack members actually smile.

Hours had passed since it started, and Cor was practically asleep. Like she was told, Jannie never left her side and was clinging to Regina.

Her heart was racing, but her body didn't show it. Regina was scared, more scared than when she was in the basement. If this failed, Abe could be drunk and mad enough to kill them all. There were only two outcomes, they escape, or they die.

Looking down at Jannie, Regina prayed they escaped. Jannie didn't eat much dinner, Regina hadn't either. Her stomach was in knots; she was afraid the food would only come back up.

"Abe darling?"

That was the cue. To hide her shaking hands, Regina played with Cor's hair.

"The girls are tired; can I take them home? This really isn't much of a child's party anymore."

Faya wasn't wrong, the adults were drunk, and most of the children had already left. It had to be near midnight by now.

Abe looked down the table, and Regina froze. He wasn't drunk enough; his eyes were clear and thinking.

"But my Faya, you aren't a child. Let Ester take them home, stay with me, and celebrate Christmas."

He must know the plan. Abe thought they wouldn't leave without Faya, and he would keep them all. As much as Regina hated it, she would rather leave one than all of them stay.

Regina smiled wide and nodded, gathering the girls.

"See, Ester can do it on her own. There isn't a reason for you to go with them."

Faya looked back, and Regina saw Faya's heart break. Regina didn't want to leave, but this was their one chance.

"Of course, dear. I'll just kiss them goodnight."

Faya got out of the chair and took Jannie by the shoulders. She hugged the little girl, gave a kiss, and pushed her towards Regina. She kissed the sleeping Cor before taking Regina by the shoulders.

'I'll protect them, Faya, I promise.'

"Be careful of the snow; I don't want my girls to wake up tomorrow with a cold. You get home and bundle up."

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