Jin: jin would be the mother who is so proud of their looks. Jin would also be one to try to make his family perfect. I think if anything Jin would be one of the best parents ever.
__Namjoon: of course namjoon would be the father! He would also be the type of father that is always flirting with the mom (Jin). He would be an ok parent but I feel like he would try to hard but just end up breaking thinks.
__Yoongi: we all know that yoongi would have to be the quiet and swaegy uncle. He's the one who is always sleeping at family events. Everyone has this type of uncle.
__Hoseok: Hobi would be the oldest son. He is obviously the smartest besides his father (namjoon). Even-though he is the oldest, he is really close with his younger siblings. I wouldn't have him as my brother, I would have him as my boyfriend😂
__Jimin: Jimin is the second oldest. He is the most pervertive out of all of them. He's a real big flirt and is always hitting on girls.
__Taehyung: tae would be the adopted son who is the third oldest. No one knows where he came from, they all think he's an alien, I do too.😂
__Jungkook: jungkook is the baby boy. He is also a bit of a trouble maker but he's so sweet. Everyone loves him and every girl goes after him. He loves it.....
We all know this is true. Pick which one y'all would rather have as a family member. Until next time ARMYS!! I💜y'all.