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I heard my phone ring and I walked over to pick it up. I groaned when I saw it was jack.

"What do you want?"
"You have to get over here please" I jumped up at his plea.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Zach"
"I don't care" I went to hang up but I heard him beg again.
"Please y/n we need your help"
"I'll be there in 5" I hung up the phone.

I threw on leggings and a sweatshirt. I slipped my vans on and grabbed my keys. I knew Zach took this hard, but I didn't know it would be this bad.

We broke up a week ago. Its been the worst week ever. I Couldn't help but let a couple tears escape my eyes as I drove to the WDW house.

I arrived and walked straight in, Using my key. The boys ran up to me.
"y/n! Finally your here!" Daniel said hugging me.
"Where is he?" I asked seriously. All the boys pointed upstairs towards his room. I walked upstairs without saying a word.

I knocked on zach's door.
"Zach... it's me, y/n." I said as gently as I could, even though I was pissed at him. I heard him walk to the door.

I watched as it slowly open, to reveal a barley "Zach" Zach.
    He had red, puffy eyes, from crying. His usually happy and bright face, looked sad and broken. He looked skinner, like he hadn't eaten. And he looked nothing like he did just 1 week ago.

I felt awful. I let a few tears slip past my eyes.
"Hey...?" Zach asked as a question.
"Hey. The boys told me you weren't doing so well... clearly they were right." I said walking into his room and shutting the door behind me.
"Oh yeah...help me?" he said looking down embarrassed.
"Zach please. This isn't ok. You need to eat." I said sitting on his bed and patting the spot next to me.

"I just can't. I need you. I can't live without you." He said sitting down and resting his head on my shoulder.
"Maybe we made a mistake..." I said.
"What do you mean?" Zach asked popping his head up.
"Maybe we shouldn't have broken up." I said praying for the answer I needed.

"Yes! Finally!" Zach said jumping up in joy.
"Yay! I can call you mine again!" I said joining him.
"And I can call you mine." He said and I intertwined our fingers. Moments later I laid my lips on his.

"My ship is sailing!"
"I told you they would get back together!"
"Get a room! My innocent eyes are being scarred." We heard the boys cheer as they walked into the room.

We couldn't be happier.
"Can we go get fooooodd?" Daniel asked like a child.
"Yeah! I'm hungry!" Jack said.
"Me too!" Corbyn added.
"Me three!" Jonah said.
"Alright kids lets go!" Zach said like a dad.
"Don't treat me like a child!" Daniel stomped his foot.
"I'm older than you!" Jonah pouted.
"Me too!"
"Me three!"

"Stop acting like children and I'll stop treating you like children." Zach said all sassy.

    Gosh, I love him.
  And with that, we all walked out and went to chipotle. We were all in our happiest place!

(555 words)

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