𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧

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You started to wake up, feeling the warmth on your bare chest from the sunlight.

You opened your eyes and took a deep breath. A small smile appeared on your lips as you remembers the events of last night.

Last night, you had lost your virginity to Zach, your boyfriend of 1 year and a half. You could feel the soreness between your legs, but you couldn't care less, because you loved him.

You rolled over to be faced with a sleeping Zach. You gently kissed his bare shoulder, hoping to wake him up.

You felt him shiver under you, A sign that he had woken up. You pulled away to see zach smiling at you. You gently smiled back.

"Good morning, love" Zach said in his morning voice, that killed you every time.

"Good morning" you cooed. He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your body, putting his head in the crook of your neck.

"I never wanna get up" he groaned.

"Baby, you have to get to the studio, and I have to get home before my dad wakes up." You told your dad you would be home by midnight last night, there was no way he would let you stay at Zachs.

"Ugh, fine." He said like a little kid. He slowly pulled away from you and sat up. He stretched his arms, showing off his back muscles.

You couldn't help but stare as he stood up, in just his Calvin Klein's, and walked to the bathroom.

Your staring was interrupted by a smirking Zach.
"Like what you see?" He asked.
"Mhm" you giggled.
"God, even your giggle is adorable." He said walking back into the bathroom, leaving you blushing like crazy.

You sat up and slowly got out of bed. Almost falling over when you stood up. Luckily, Zach caught you.

"A little sore, are we?" Zach laughed.
"Oh shut up, it's your fault." You smacked his chest.
"Ok ok, I'm sorry" He said leaning in.

You felt his lips hit yours.
"Zach I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!" You said Into the kiss.
"I don't care" he said.
He only pulled you closer. His hands resting on your waist, while yours tugged his hair. He slowly detached his lips from yours.

"You need to brush your teeth!" He joked.
"I hate you!" You said. He grabbed his heart, pretending to be hurt by your fake insult.

"Can I borrow a sweatshirt, I don't wanna show up in my dress from last night?" You asked.

"Only if you promise to never give it back, and wear it whenever you miss me." He said.
"I promise." You said giggling.
"Here." He said handing you his green hoodie.

He walked back into the bathroom to finish getting ready for the studio. While you put the hoodie and your vans on. You quickly made his bed, and scrolled through Instagram while you waited.

"Ready?" He asked walking out of the bathroom. He was wearing a yellow shirt, black jeans and Nike sneakers. Damn.
"Yup!" You said standing up.
"Wow, I got lucky." He said looking you up and down. You were wearing checkered vans, sport shorts, and his green hoodie. You looked a mess.

"Thanks?" You said as more of a question.
He interlocked your hands and you guys walked downstairs.

You were met by howling boys.
"Oooh Zach got some!" Daniel yelled.
"Was he any good?" Jack asked.
"Did ya have fun?" Jonah smirked.
"You guys are so loud!" Corbyn laughed.
Zach could tell I was getting extremely uncomfortable. My cheeks were bright red, and I was shifting from foot to foot.

Zach just rolled his eyes and pushed you out the door. He shut the door, but not before you could hear the boys mumble a "sorry y/n" behind you. You interlocked your hand with his and continued walked to the car.

Once you guys were driving, You noticed Zachs hand on your thigh. You smiled thinking about him instinctively doing it.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked.
"Nothing" you said giggling.
"Ok." He said.

I love him.

Hope you liked it!

(703 words)

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