𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝙥𝙩.2

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I could hear Zach screaming at the doctor to let him go with me. And than, everything went black.

I woke up to see Zach crying. The boys sat around him. "It's gonna be ok Zach." Daniel said patting his back. "How!" Zach said, barley able to talk.

"I don't know." Jonah said. "But it will." Corbyn finished. "I'm so sorry bro." Jack added. "We all love you and are here for you guys." Daniel said.

"Thanks guys." Zach said. He was still crying into his hands. "Baby... what's happening?" I asked. "Y/N! Baby... it's ok." Zach said rushing to my side.

He stroked my cheek. "We will give you guys some space." Jonah said. The boys walked out of the room. "Zach. Your scaring me! What's happening?" I asked.

I was getting really worried. Just as he was about to answer the doctor entered. "Hi. Have you told her?" The doctor asked Zach.

"No." He whispered back. "Ok that's it! What. Is. Happening!!!??" I asked getting mad.

"Honey calm down." Zach said taking my hand. He sat in the chair next to the bed. "Well you see... the baby... she's gone." The doctor said. "Wha-what?" I said.

"The baby's dead honey. I'm sorry. It's going to be ok." Zach said kissing my knuckles.

"Did you fall, or bump into anything recently? That may have caused the baby to be injured?" The doctor asked us. "Shit!" I said remembering.

I had tripped and fallen 2 days ago. Everything seemed fine so I ignored it. "What baby? What happened?" Zach asked instantly concerned. "I fell the other day. I did this. I killed our baby!" I said.

I was full on sobbing at this point. "I'll give you two some alone time." The doctor said walking out. I looked at Zach.

Who was trying to hold back his tears. "I'm so sorry Zach! I thought everything was ok! I know you probably hate me now, and I deserve it.

"I killed the baby. Our baby..." I said. "Baby... this is not your fault. You didn't do it on purpose. I love you." Zach said lifting my chin.

" I love you too." I said kissing him. We were both still sobbing in each other's arms, when the boys walked in. They all had red, puffy eyes too. "We are so sorry." Corbyn said. "We are here for you." Jack said.

The other boys nodded as the walked over and joined our hug. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I killed this baby. And even if Zach doesn't show it, he is pissed at me.

This is my fault.

(442 words)

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