𝙆𝙖𝙮 𝘾𝙤𝙤𝙠

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Zach has been really distant lately. He's been staying out until morning. Partying god knows where. And, getting high and drunk. It all started when he started hanging out with Kay.

** flashback***

"Hey babe! I'm headed out to the mall. Need anything?" Zach asked me kissing my forehead.

"No. But, who are you going with?" I asked looking up at him. "Kay." He said grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "Who's Kay?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"Just a friend. Don't worry. Your the only girl for me. Bye babygirl." He said walking out of the house.
I had a bad feeling about her. About this.

*** end flashback***

It was 4:52am and zach was still out. I couldn't believe this. I knew where he was. Or not as much where he was, more of who he was with.


I sat on the couch. Not doing anything. Just sitting there waiting for Zach.

I heard him fumble with his keys to open the door. He stumbled in.

The house instantly stunk of alcohol. Great, he's drunk. He walked, ok that's not the right word. He wobbled into the living room.

"Babe!?" Zach asked. He was surprised to see me. He walked over and tried to kiss me. His eyes were bloodshot.

He was high as fuck. "Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled standing up. "Hey babe! What's wrong?" He asked. "What's wrong? Oh so many things Zach!" I said, slapping his chest.

"Ok that's it! What the fuck is wrong!?" He asked grabbing my wrists. "You! I hate you!" I said running upstairs. He chased after me. I slammed the door in his face.

I Probably woke up the other boys. But, I didn't care, I was pissed.  Zach walked into the room. He looked pissed. "Oh you hate me! Oh no I'm so scared." He said mocking me.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking asshole!" I yelled at him. "You have no reason to be mad at me! I'm not the one being fucking clingy as hell!" He yelled at me.

"Oh I'm clingy! Sure. I'm not the one fucking some other girl!" I yelled. Tears were streaming down my face. "What!?" Zach yelled. His face softened.

"Oh Zach! I saw the pictures. You were making out with Kay at a fucking party!" I yelled putting clothes in a suitcase. The boys ran into the room.

"What the fuck Zach?" Jack yelled. "You cheated on her?" Corbyn asked. "Wow Zach. Just wow!" Daniel said. Jonah stayed silent.

He lunged onto zach. He was on top of him. "YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON MY LITTLE SISTER? IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" Jonah shouted.

Punching Zach, Square in the jaw. "Oh shit!" Corbyn yelled. Daniel and jack grabbed Jonah off Zach. "Bro chill!" Jack said holding him back. "GET THE FUCK OUT! NOW!" Jonah yelled at Zach.

He ran. He ran out. Taking my heart and soul with him. I broke down sobbing on the floor. Jonah sat down.

I laid my head on his shoulder. The other boys walked out. "Shhhh it's gonna be ok." Jonah said, rubbing my back. But it's not. He just left. And he took my heart, and soul with him. He took everything.

(542 words)

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