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"Zach, I'm pregnant... 6 weeks a long" I let a tear fall as I said those words.

I was 17 and Zach Herron's girlfriend. And I was pregnant, with his baby.

He showed no emotions. He didn't seem happy, but he didn't seem mad or sad. He was silent for far too long.

"Baby? Baby, look at me." He said walking over to me. He put his fingers under my chin, and lifted it. I met his perfect chocolate eyes.

"Y/n...please don't cry. I love you so much." He wiped my eyes and knelt down on one knee. He lifted my shirt, enough to see the tiny bump of a baby. Our baby.

"I'm gonna love the hell out of you. No girl or boy will ever be able to love you as much a your mama and I will. If your a babygirl, your gonna be the most beautiful girl ever. Besides your mama. And I'm gonna spoil the fuck out of you!" I smacked his head. "Zachary! Don't curse!"
"Sorry baby! And if your a little boy. Well, I just can't wait to buy you little baby Jordan's, and play baseball with you and jonah. Your gonna be so loved. So fucking loved."

He whispered the last part, as he stood up. He wiped away my tears. I had been sobbing.

*** end of flashback ***

That was 7 months ago. I sat in bed, unable to sleep because of the shooting pain in my stomach. Zach had immediately woken up when I did.

That's just how we work. He's up when I'm up. I'm up when he's up. "Baby, are you sure it's not labour?" He asked me for the 100th time. "Zach, it's not labour. My water hasn't broken." I responded.

"Ok. I'm gonna go get you some water. Call me right away if you need me!"
He said pulling himself out of bed.

"Thank you babe" I said as he walked out of the room.
I started to feel really nauseas. I ran to the bathroom, just in time to vomit in the toilet.

The bathroom was still pitch black as Zach rushed in.
"Y/n, are you ok?" He asked turning the lights on.
"Yeah I'm fi..." you noticed something, making your jaw drop.

"Baby, whats Wrong?" Zach asked rushing to your side.
"Zach, take me to the hospital! Now!" You insisted, standing up.
"What? Babe, please tell me what's happening?" Zach asked extremely concerned.

"Zach I wasn't throwing up, I vomited blood. That's not good!" I said rushing to grab a sweatshirt.
"Shit shit shit" Zach said quickly following and throwing on a shirt. I ran downstairs and slipped my shoes on.

"Zach! Hurry baby! I'm scared!" I yelled up the stairs. I didn't care if the boys woke up, I was worried about my baby. I was full on crying by the time Zach walked downstairs.

The other boys following close behind. "What's happening?" Corbyn asked scared.
"Is something wrong with the baby?" Daniel asked.

"Are you ok, Y/N?" Jonah asked. "Where are you guys going?" Jack asked.
"Why are you crying Y/N?" Daniel asked.
"Y/N just vomited blood and her stomach is hurting really badly. We are going to the hospital."

All the boys ran back upstairs. Zach and I looked at each other confused for a few seconds before we both rushed out the door and towards the car.

We didn't have time to know what they were doing. We needed to make sure the baby is ok. Just as Zach was about to drive away, the other boys ran out of the house.

" you can't leave without us!" Jonah yelled. The boys hopped in the backseat and Zach drove off. Probably way over the speed limit. "Oh shit Zach!" Jack yelled as he hit a sharp turn.

"Why the hell did we let Zach drive?" Daniel asked.
"I have no clue. We should switch Zach!" Jonah added.
"Yeah, You should. Or we'll all be dead by the time we get to the hospital." Corbyn said.

"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm getting my girl and baby to the hospital! As fast as fucking possible! Even if it means breaking a couple fucking laws!" Zach yelled at the boys.

We all looked astonished. Zach wasn't one to curse. He was too "pure and innocent" as the boys put it. We arrived at the hospital and rushed to the front desk. Running past some fans. I felt kind of bad, but I needed to know if my baby was ok.

"Hi my girlfriend is pregnant. She was having really bad stomach pains and she vomited blood." Zach said. So fast, it was barley audible.

"Name?" The nurse asked.
"Y/N Herron... I mean Y/N Y/L/N." Zach said. Clearly embarrassed by his mistake. The boys were about to burst from excitement.

"Age?" The nurse asked again.
"17" Zach answered crazy fast.
"Right this way please." The nurse lead me to a wheelchair and wheeled me off.

I could hear Zach screaming at the doctor to let him go with me. And than, everything went black.

(864 words)

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