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Being Zach Herrons girlfriend isn't always easy. Especially when he has to leave for tour. I miss him like crazy, but I love seeing him as happy as he is on stage. I just wish I could be the reason for that huge ass smile.

Zach leaves today for Tour. I'm gonna miss him a lot, but I'm happy he gets to live his dream. I'm so proud of him.

" Y/n!" I heard Zach yell. I had been in our room, quietly crying. I quickly ran to the bathroom to wipe my face. "Hey baby.. oh my god what's wrong?" Zach said rushing over to me, and hugging me.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said lying. "No your not. I know you. Now tell me what's wrong!" Zach said holding my small hands in his big ones. "I'm just... I don't want you to leave for two months..." I said bursting into tears again.

He pulled me into his chest as He walked us over to the bed and sat down. He pulled me onto his lap and ran his fingers through my hair. I curled up against his chest.

We sat in silence, like that, for 10 minutes. Until Zach broke the quiet. "Hey baby! I have an idea!"
Zach said excitedly. "What?" I said looking up. "Why Don't you come on Tour with us?" Zach asked.

"Oh my god really!? Could I?" I asked jumping up. "Of course!" He said jumping up with me. He grabbed my hands and held me still. "Y/n..." he said. "What?" I was getting scared now.

Did he not want me to come?

"Next time tell me how you feel, And I will do everything in my power to fix it. I promise. " he said staring into my y/e/c eyes with his brown eyes.

"Of course. I love you!" I said jumping into his arms. "I love you too!" I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands held under my thighs. Yay! I don't have to miss him!

(342 words)

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