Chapter 18

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Jin P.O.V
I was hurt by the love of my life.... All I was doing was defending my best friend and he treated me like trash.... But at the end of the day....w-What Happened between Namjoon,Hoseok, and his their father???

All these thoughts were going around Seokjins head but was choosing to ignore it and find Hoseok. He left the house and saw Hoseok sitting on the porch sofa.

"Hoseok are you okay?" Hobi turned and saw seokjin.
"I'm not...all I wanted to tell Namjoon is how our father is in his deathbed but can't even manage to fucking leave the past for a moment and say his last words to him."

Seokjin hugged Hoseok.

"Hoseok you never told me this." Hobi let out a small laugh.

"I couldn't.. Namjoon told me to never tell anyone."

"Can you tell me now?" Hobi nodded.

"It was a few years ago I was 15 at the time and Namjoon was 16. Me and Namjoon shared rooms ya know and my Father you can say was kinda abusive... he was working for a dark web company called Atmos. I at the time thought it was a computer company since that's what he told was more than that. He had a drug dealing business. My mother was so in love with him especially since you know she liked the whole drug thing. Well one day my father came back drunk and I was in the shower all of a sudden I heard someone coming in... I didn't mind it I thought it was namjoon coming to take a piss. But then I felt a naked body beside me. It was him... I couldn't respond or move. I had to do things I didn't want to do and at the end he just left me in the bath laying there and I was covered in a bit of blood is all I got to say and was left unconscious. Namjoon later came in and told me who did it and I told him. He went and fought him. Namjoon ended being shot in his right arm by my father and My father got sent to the hospital and also was found not guilty the day of the trial. Namjoon was furious and stole about 100 million dollars from my fathers account and we bought this house and we still keep contact with our mother but she's an asshole as ever also Jungkook just 13 at the time so he didn't know what to do whatsoever. Anyways Namjoon Hates my father and just doesn't want to see him at all."

Jin hugged Hoseok harder.

"Wow I can't believe you told me all this... I don't want to see you hurt at all. Also I think you should go see your father even tho he might've done all that I feel like you should just see him one last time." Hoseoak nodded. "Your right and you should try to convince Namjoon."

Jin shook his head.

" I can't we got in an argument and uhm I don't want to see him at this moment."

"Jin go talk to him."

"Fine I'll try to and you go get cleaned up."

Namjoon was in bed thinking on what he did wrong. Why did I hurt him? All the stuff I said to my love..... I can't forgive myself for.

He heard footsteps coming to his room and saw the door open up.

It was him. Seokjin.

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