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A tall, well build black haired boy was walking alongside the busy street while securely holding a small package to his chest. His name was Iku Yagami and he was a student in a sport-oriented high-school. He was returning home from picking up the package he was too ashamed to order to his house afraid that his parents would open it and check it's content.

Because inside the package was a limited edition physical copy of Iku's favorite game 'Im streben nach glück!' And it was an otome game, essentially a dating sim where the heroine was approached by several handsome capture targets and depending on her actions she would end up in a relationship with either one or every one of them.

It's not hard to imagine what his strict parents would have said after discovering their son is into that sort of games.

But nonetheless, Iku loved this game to no end. The characters were well crafted and interesting, the events were exciting and most of them were battle oriented too!

The setting was similar to medieval Europe in the middle of the warring times, the heroine an adopted daughter of the ruler of an independent state was sent to attend a school for nobility in a neutral city in the middle of the continent. There she would encounter a completely different world then she knew until now. Young noblemen and noblewomen would live there completely detached from the dangerous world. She would get approached by high-born and wealthy noblemen who, at first glance, cared more about their look than their families territories.

But all that was only the surface, the tip of an iceberg. The school for nobility, Ranorosso Academy, was a place of unceasing intrigues and skims where fighting was done not with swords but with words and intrigues.

From the first time Iku played it, he completely fell in love with it. The world was sparkly on the surface but became dark and gritty when you wiped off the pretty icing.

The capture targets were the most interesting, from a hasty hot-blooded prince of the biggest country on the continent to the sickly and weak son of a general of the most aggressive country. That last one was Iku's favorite character of them all. Even though that particular capture target named Terres Aboy, just couldn't get stronger at all no matter how hard he tried but even so, he never gave up and never surrendered in the face of the danger. He would always face his problems without running away even when there were no chances of him being victorious.

Although Iku was healthy and his physique was strong he shared Terres's drive to become stronger and better.

And since Iku liked the game so much, it was no surprise that he bought the physical edition as soon as the developers of 'Im streben nach glück!' announced the preorders for it.

Iku was in the middle of thinking where he should hide the box with the beautiful art of all capture targets on the cover when suddenly a loud screech of tires on the asphalt and a sound of collision rung out loudly.

Iku looked in the direction the sound came from just in time to see an unmanned bike flying right at him, exhaust-pipe-first.

And then everything got dark.

Iku Yagami opened his eyes in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people.

Beautiful woman in an expensive looking dress was kneeling by his bed and holding his hand while crying.

Iku looked at his hand and frowned.

Why is my hand so small...?

He wondered and fidgeted nervously.


The beautiful crimson-haired woman looked at him in shock and her chin trembled.

"Terres! My baby! You woke up!"

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now