Chapter 2 Terres's decision

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Terres regained his consciousness but couldn't open his eyes.

He was laying on a soft bed and someone was caressing his head.


Terres made a huge effort and lifted his eyelids that seemed to be weighted with lead.

But what he saw wasn't his mother or even his father but the black-haired heroine that for some reason was a boy.

The wrong-gender heroine, Meru seeing him open his eyes and look straight at him flinched and quickly took back his hand.

"I-I see you are awake now, how long were you going to sleep?"

He said while turning his face away to at least partially hide his blush.


"How long was I out?"

Terres asked and Meru perked up since it looked like he won't be asked about all that head-patting.

"You've been like this for almost two days, you know! What's going on with you? I was the one being hurt! Why are you the one recuperating!?"

"Uuu... I'm being scolded..."

To tell the truth, Terres was still dizzy, he didn't plan to say that out loud.

"N-no, it's not like that...!"

After hearing the brown-haired boy sad voice and seeing teardrops in the corners of his violet eyes, Meru got flustered and grabbed Terres's hand without thinking.

"Hey, I'm not mad, you know? I was worried. Worried, you know? Your spirit was dancing around you like crazy but you still didn't wake up so I got nervous!"

And he tried to explain himself.

"Trispi did...?"

Terres looked around and indeed, his green spirit was zipping through the air above him emitting as much healing light as it could.

"Thank you, Trispi."

Terres smiled and raised his hand. The green spirit blinked and landed on the presented palm, it looked like it was nuzzling against it and the tickling sensation made Terres laugh.

Meru looked at him surprised and then he realized that he was holding on to his other hand and hurriedly let go, he even hid his hands behind his back as if to make sure he's keeping track of them.

"How are you feeling...?"

He asked nervously and Terres looked at him and tilted his head.

"Normal, I guess."

"Then will you be going to the entrance ceremony or do you prefer to stay in bed...?"

At Meru's question, Terres blinked a few times.

"But... entrance ceremony is in two days..."

He said.

"No, It was supposed to be in two days after the day we met, and you have been unconscious all that time, so it's today. In like an hour or so, actually."


Shocked Terres stared at Meru, then he looked at the window while realizing that he's in a room that he saw only through the TV screen - the dormitory's room for the first year students, and then back at Meru.

"In an hour!?"

He repeated horrified.


Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now