Chapter 7 (2/3)

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Terres looked over his shoulder but didn't saw Meru.


His cheek swole instantly, as he pouted angrily, the violet-eyed boy wanted Meru to come running after him, but the black-hair boy didn't do that!

Honestly, all that tea-party lost its purpose for Terres if Meru wasn't with him!
There wasn't any important event at the tea-party anyway! Hmph! Meru you big dummy! Why aren't you coming after me?! Uuu... does he really came here for Horianna and not because I asked him...?

Terres was so deep in his dark thoughts that he didn't even noticed Horianna, the host of the party, who approached him, and he simply ghosted her making her pretty face distort into an ugly grimace of anger.

But as it was said, Terres didn't notice that at all. He also didn't notice another person who up until now was leaning against the wall with a bored expression.

But that person noticed Terres and instantly rushed towards him, bee-lining towards him, pushing other guests aside as if they were pebbles on the side of the road.
As soon as the person was right next to Terres, they reached towards the boy and grabbed him into a headlock.


Terres sqeaked like a toy and stretched his neck to have a look at his opponent.

"Hey there, you cheeky bugger!"

The red-haired Jaftie smiled at him and nuzzled his fist against Terres'shead.

"H-hey, Jaftie...! I didn't see you."

Terresresponded, giving up on escaping.

Other people moved away from them thinking that it was the beginning of a fight but to tell the truth, Jaftie's actions only looked rough.

Afterall the red-haired boy became Terres and Meru's friend and knew about Terres's weak physique so he was extremely gentle with the feeble girly boy.

"You reckon you could let me go, big-guy? We're getting a lot of strange looks you know..."

Terresmumbled, his left-cheek squished against Jafties abdomen.

"Hmmm...I don't know, I kind of like having you in a submissive position."

Jaftiegrinned teasingly and poked Terres's stomach.

"Oh my, how soft, the cafeteria food is doing someone's good, eh?"

His grin became even wider and Terres blushed and covered his stomach with his hand.

"I haven't gained any weight! I just can't grow any muscles!"

Terres complained and Jafite laughed at that response.

"Yeah, right, I bet your butt is even softer!"

Jafitemocked him.

"Wh-what that has to do with anything...?! Come on, Jaftie, don't be a jerk, let me go or I'll get angry at you...!"

Terres cried and his eyes dampened.

Seeing that Jaftie instantly released him and instead put his arm over his shoulder.

"Say, Terry..."

The red-haired boy leaned towards Terres conspicuously and whispered with a mischievous expression.

"This party is a total flop, I came here half an hour ago and already almost died out of boredom..."


Hearing Jaftie's intro Terres could already guess that the delinquent was up to no good again.

Asif to confirm Terres's suspicion, Jafite looked around in a very suspicious way and leaned even closer to the weak boy while pulling something out of his shirt's inner pocket.

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now