Chapter 3 Event...? (And how their quarrels usually end up like)

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Before Terres could even blink, the week, that he was supposed to spend planning how to protect Meru, passed.

Too many things were going on! The teachers seemingly didn't care that their students just started school and seemed to be hell-bent on burying them alive under the homework!

He had to study, continue training, and come up with countermeasures! Honestly, he barely had any time to sleep and for someone with such bad health as his, it couldn't be a good or even bearable thing.

There were few good things though, doing the homework was a chore but since he knew from the game that Meru wasn't that much of the academic type, he approached him over studying together and the male heroine agreed gratefully.

Terres felt really good inside when he could help his friend. It would fill him with pride, something that he could rarely experience since he reincarnated into this sickly body.

But, just like that the week without events was over, the first thing that would happen the next morning would be an event where the heroine would encounter the new capture target, a stereotypical bully, Jaftie Sulnori from the Imperna kingdom. At their first meeting, Jaftie wouldn't even act like a capture target at all.

Still, that first event was important. The heroine would stand up to the bully and get his interest. His actions, later on, would be like that of an elementary schooler trying to get the attention of the girl he likes.

It would be best... If I don't let them meet...

Terres's head was getting heavier and heavier as he was sitting over a paper due to the next day.

Meru, sitting next to him, send him a worried look.

"Hey, if you doze off now you won't finish the homework on time..."

He said while scribbling on his paper.


Terres turned to him all sleepy and pointed at Meru's work.

"Meru, you've done even less than me-eeee-e...!"

Terres yawned and stretched adorably and covered the paper with his hands and looked away with an embarrassed expression.

"I-it's not my fault, it's a hard topic...!"

He murmured while pouting.

The two boys were sitting on the bed in Terres's room, to do their homework they pulled the table over, the pulling was mostly done by Meru.

"That's why you can ask me, geez, I told you I like this subjece-eee-ect..."

"Come on, you're going to spread the yawning...! At least close your mo-ooo-outh...! Argh! See!?"


It was already late into the night but the subject they were working on was taught by the strictest teacher, miss Cetor, so neither of them wanted to get on her bad side.

For a moment the boys stopped talking and returned to writing.

Meru's hand stopped and he fell deep in thoughts, it really was a difficult subject for him but he kind of thought about asking for help as a sign of weakness and he didn't want to look uncool.

But he was stumped and there was no other way.

"Hey, Terres, could you tell me..."

He said awkwardly and turned towards the sickly boy...

When suddenly Terres fell to the side straight into his lap!



Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now