Chapter 4 (1/2) In the room

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Terres was laying on the bed on his stomach and was kicking his feet up while writing something in a pretty leather-bound diary.

It was the dairy he received from his mother as a good-luck gift and he kept using it for storing the information about the capture targets that wanted to seduce Meru.

After all, only Terres could protect him!

It's been around a month from the time that Terres tried to interfere with the Jaftie's event since then Terres actually warmed up to the so-called bully and vice versa.

The dairy was opened on a page with a detailed portrait of Jaftie drawn by the Terres himself.

The two boys actually made up not long after the event.

Well, it mostly had to do with the fact that Terres, actually feeling bad for the Jaftie losing some teeth went ahead and came back to see him and healed him with Trispi's help.

"He's a good guy, a bit impulsive but he's the stereotypical bad boy with the good heart. There was even that cliché situation with him taking care of the abandoned puppy in the back of the school..."

Terres chuckled to himself and kicked up his feet joyfully.

But then he tilted his head and furrowed his brow, the butt of the pencil he was writing with ended up between his teeth.

"Wait... wasn't that supposed to be one of the events though...? But Meru wasn't there..."

Terres bit into the pencil's butt deep in thoughts.

"Well... I guess the situation will occur anyway and if the heroine is not present it's not an event! Good!"

Terres started scribbling in the dairy again.

"If Meru would start hanging out with Jaftie he wouldn't have as much time to play with me! Or maybe we would all hang out together...?"

Terres looked up and tapped the pencil on his chin pondering over it.

"No, there's no reason to chance it, what if Meru would actually fall for him!? No. Denied."

He shook his head and crossed something out of the page he just wrote.

"Next is Michaelus... The prince, huh, well, he's nice..."

Terres rolled on the bed and laid on his back with the dairy raised above his head staring at the drawing of the Galgartian prince looking prideful with eyes full of spirit.

"He's so energetic that just talking with him can be tiring, but he came and apologized for accusing me of stealing and tried to make up for it... The cake he got me was super delicious!"

Terres smiled remembering the taste of the pastry.

"Ehehe...! Meru tried some too and managed to get some cream on his cheek! That klutz!"

Terres laughed, mostly to the memory of how cute Meru looked all embarrassed when he wiped the cream of his cheek.

"Again, it was the event that I managed to mess up! The heroine was supposed to do that to Michaelus but I changed it! I'm so good at it!"

Terres puffed up his chest in pride and flipped the page where a drawing of the composed and kind-hearted upperclassman, Victisso, greeted him.

"Senior Victisso is such a good person! It would be for the best if Meru would stop acting so angry around him all the time, he's only getting his attention that way... And senior only wants to be helpful! And he even praised me for the assignment I wrote thanks to his help! Meru didn't even say a thing..."

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now