Chapter 6

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The lessons were over and all students have left their classrooms filling the hallways with chatting and clamor.

Terres was looking around fidgety like a puppy who has lost his owner, clearly searching for someone.

Then he caught a glimpse of Meru's figure and hastily trotted towards the black-haired boy.

But then he froze unexpectedly when he saw who Meru was talking with.

It was none other than red-haired Jaftie.

The two of them, a capture target and a male-heroine were having a pleasant talk and it certainly didn't look like they were on bad terms.

In any other situation, Terres would feel relieved that his dear friend wasn't challenging others to a duel or just get into a fight but this time was different.

The time of Jaftie's scripted event was coming close and there was no way that Terres would just hand over Meru to anyone else!

I-I must stop the event from happening!

Terres felt a burning feeling in his stomach and was about to rush between the two of them but suddenly someone approached him out of nowhere.

"Sir Terres, how are you?"

A golden-haired beauty greeted him with a charming smile.

Taken by surprise he took a step back.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I must have scared you."

The beauty apologized lightheartedly and waved her hand dismissively.

"Miss Vanters, is there something that you need?"

Terres shook off the shock and remembered the girl's name.

On the side note, she was a part of the group of girls that kept bullying him frequently and although the bullying itself already stopped Terres couldn't bring himself to think that Horianna Venters might have even a shred of goodwill towards him.

"Oh! You even remember my name it's such an honor."

Horianna smiled at him and even though her smile looked genuine Terres felt as if she was mocking him.

"I won't take much of your time, I promise."

She suddenly approached him and started talking at a rapid pace.

"You know, I'm organizing a tea-party in two days, and I would love you to attend it, a male's point of view is indispensable in some cases and you are the best candidate to help me."

"I don't have time for such things."

Terres flat-out refused her straight away, the whole tea-party sounded more like some sort of trap set out to ensnare and ridicule him in a safe environment without many eyes on them.

Horianna laughed and shook her head as if she read Terres's mind.

"You don't have to worry about anything, sir Erstes will be attending too, and with some luck even sir Golgerg might show up too!"

She declared making Terres flinch.

Meru will come to their party!? But he hasn't told me anything!

The sickly boy felt miserable, Meru indeed told him that he will be busy in two days, too busy to hang out with him after school, Terres thought it was something important but to think that Meru was just hiding the fact that he was going to a tea-party.

Wait a moment...!

Terres realized something that made him shudder and he stared at Horianna with his eyes wide open.

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now