Chapter 7 (1/3)

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Terres nervously combed his bangs down with his fingers making sure it covered his forehead properly.
"Geez, you look pretty, just leave it as it is..."
Meru standing right next to him groaned disheartened nad grabbed the short boy's wrist.
"Uuu... Meru... I told you I don't want to look pretty, I want to be cool!"
Terres complained tearfully, but before he could say more, Meru lifted the Aboy's hand teasingly close to his mouth.
"But I like it more when you're like this."
He said with a grin and Terres could feel his hot breath on his hand.
"...! I see...!"
Every thought that Terres had previously in his mind got completely blown away by Meru's forward actions.
"I've been thinking that maybe we should ditch the tea-party after all... I kind of want to talk to you about that dairy of yours, you promised to show it to me, remember...?"
Meru pushed Terres against the wall, he was acting way more forward than ever before, and Terres who wasn't used to this kind of attention could only blush intensely and look away.
"B-but both of us agreed to come, wouldn't it be rude towards miss Horianna if we just ditched her...?"
Terres fidgeted, Meru's body in a quite tight shirt was barely an inch away from his own, and his back was already against the wall... But they were also standing in the hallway in right by the door to the tea-room where the party was supposed to happen!
Seriously, Meru had no sensitivity towards the time place and occasion!
"I only agreed because I thought it will be a small thing. No one told me that Jaftie, the annoying prince, and even that bastard Golger, would all come running!"
Meru gritted his teeth.
"Eh...?! But we're all friends, right? Isn't it better if they'll come too?"
Asked Terres, even though normally he would prefer to keep Meru away from the potential threat of the capture targets.
Meru furrowed his brows and pulled Terres's hand up and pressed it against the wall.
"Are you doing it on purpose...?"
He asked looking down on Terres with a grim expression.
"You must have realized by now why those three come running whenever you're involved, right?"
He growled and Terres flinched and looked away.
"B-because they want to spend time with you and are using me for that...?"
Terres blushed and asked timidly while his body slightly trembled.
"Huh...? You... You really think that?"
Meru raised his brow completely taken aback.
"Meru, you're hurting me..."
Terres cried and even the green spirit Trispi appeared and started dancing around his wrist that Meru was still grabbing.
"O-oh... Sorry..."
The tall boy finally came to and let go.
Terres hold back tears and massaged the sore spot.
"You should think about others too, you know? Trispi can heal but can't alleviate pain like your spirit. You muscle-head."
The small boy pouted.
"What, are you angry that there will be more rivals, just admit that you actually fancy Horianna and you're jealous about others!"
He complained and made a wide-eyed Meru take a step back.
"Horianna...?! Who would be jealous because of her?!"
Meru snorted and crossed his arms defensively under the suspicious gaze of Terres's violet eyes.
"But you are jealous, right? Then who are you jealous of then, huh?!"
The roles have switched and now it was Terres interrogating Meru.
He even went as far as to pin Meru to the wall with both his hands, but since their height difference was quite substantial it didn't look as intimidating as Terres wanted.
"N-no one..."
Meru looked away blushing.
Terres hasn't noticed but Meru was actually gradually crouching down so their faces would come closer and closer together.
"Am I interrupting something...?"
The scene was disturbed by the arrival of none other than the platinum-haired Victisso Golger, he approached them with a soft smile but there was some sort of cunning gleam in his eyes that made Meru's face twist in anger.
And it turned out that Meru's aggression wasn't misplaced either.
In just a few dance-like movements Victisso grabbed Terres's hands and pulled him away from Meru, who has already managed to almost go on his knees and twirl the short boy in front of the door.
Terres yelped and blushed unable to stop the upperclassman though the well-behaved youth let go of his hands instantly.
"Terres, my boy, why waste your time with that brute? The likes of him and Jaftie suit each other much better, would you like to spend this tea-party with me instead, if you like...?"
Victisso bowed politely and offered his hand to confused Terres.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? Terres came here with me!"
Meru basically barked and showed his teeth from behind Terres's back
Geez... He always acts like this with senior...

Terres sighed discreetly.
Victisso smiled charmingly and in few soft moves, he snatched Terres from Mru who was about to grab the short boy.
"See? No finesse, no style... I would love to if you gave me a chance instead."
The platinum-haired youth tilted his head and blushed while offering his hand again.
"You shameless bastard...!"
Seething with anger, Meru shoved Teres to the side and rushed at Victisso with his fists raised.
That was enough for Terres.
"You're horrible! Both of you!"
The brown-haired boy stomped his feet in a fit of anger, his violet eyes filled with tears.
"Senior, Jaftie doesn't suit Meru at all! Meru, you are way too rough with me! I don't like it when you act like that! if you'll fight with senior today I will never talk to you again!"
He declared in a hurt voice and busted into the tea-room with a determined expression.
Meru cried after Terres's back but the short boy didn't turn around, he didn't even flinch.
"You don't deserve him."
Victisso was glaring right at Meru, his eyes were so cold that anyone else would shudder.
"Listen, you gold-hoarding bastard, keep away from Terres!"
Meru fearlessly grabbed the upperclassman by the collar but it didn't cause any reaction from the furious youth.
"Listen here, Erstes, if you ever hurt Terres in front of me, I will cut off your hands."
Victisso declared deadly serious.
Meru flinched and let him go.
"Th-that wasn't on purpose...! I just don't know when others feel pain because of..."
"Your spirit's powers, I know. That's the only reason you still have hands."
Victisso shrugged his shoulders and straightened his shirt.
"You can threaten me all you want, I won't give up on Terres! I won't give him to you nor anyone else!"
Meru declared but Victisso only snorted at his words.
"The other two don't even realize their feelings yet... Oh, that's right, as your senior, although reluctantly, I'll give you one advice... Don't let Terres drink any alcohol today, alright?"
"Huh...? What's that supposed to mean? It's a tea-party anyway!"
"Just keep your eyes peeled."

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now