Chapter 4 (2/2)

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And so almost two months have past and there was still no traces of Terres...

Just kidding!

Meru finally arrived at his door, the blood from his nose somehow stopped and now he only needed to watch out for Terres noticing his bloodied sleeve.

He slowly put pressure on the door handle.

If Terres was in the door would be unlocked.

And it was.

Meru hid the arm with the bloody sleeve behind his back and entered...

But his room was empty...!


Meru tilted his head in surprise, Terres wouldn't just leave his room unlocked and marched off to who knows where...


D-did someone abducted him...!?

The thought sent chills down Meru's spine and the black-haired boy started to look around for any evidence of a struggle.

In the multicultural academy such as this, the son of a Nafrezia Empire general had many people wanting to 'punish' Terres for the crimes of his country.

It wasn't difficult to imagine someone going a step further than bullying...


Just as Meru was about to do the full search of his room a voice came from the other side of the bed.

"Terres!? Is that you?"

Meru reacted in a blink of an eye, after all, the voice didn't sound so good and made him really worried.


But when he walked around the bed he stopped half-step and snorted at the sight.

"...D-don't laugh...!"

Terres, wrapped in the bed sheet so tightly that he couldn't even budge was laying on the floor wiggling around in the fruitless attempts to free himself, cried pathetically and looked away completely red from shame, only his head, and his feet were uncovered.

"Do you need my help or are you just pupating?"

"...! You..! Stay away! I don't need your help!"

Meru laughed while approaching and that hurt Terres's pride.

The sickly boy wiggled around so that he could at least faced away from the black-haired boy and continued struggling with his bindings.

To no avail...

"What a big chrysalis, I wonder when will you hatch into a beautiful butterfly?"

Since it turned out that Terres wasn't in any danger at all, Meru calmed down and decided to tease him a bit and poked his side.

"Hihihi...! Hey! Don't do that!"

Terres wriggled and giggled when Meru poked him and he made a grumpy face to show that he is angry.

"Meru don't tickle me!"

He demanded...

Which only instigated Meru.

"Oh? Ticklish, are we?"

The black-haired boy grinned teasingly and started relentlessly poking Terres's sides.

The boy tied up in the bedsheet wiggled and struggled and couldn't stop laughing.

"Staaaph...! You bully...! I hate you!"

Meru took a break from tickling Terres, and Terres used the chance to scold him.


Meru looked at the flushed Terres's flushed face and tearful eyes and felt really bad.

And also really awkward because Terres looked insanely cute all flustered and crying like that.

"...I'm so..."

Meru opened his mouth.

"Bully! I'm going to call for help and you will get in trouble!"

Meru froze, Terres was actually crying, like crying-crying, not just tickled to tears.

"Would you really get me in trouble...?"

Meru tilted his head and Terres flinched and looked away biting his lip.

Of course, he wouldn't, but Meru just wouldn't stop teasing him so Terres had to come up with something.

"See? I knew you... Huh...?"

Meru smiled and leaned towards Terres but was suddenly stopped.

He looked down and saw Terres's feet on his chest blocking him from getting any closer.


Meru asked surprised and Terres faced him and glared at him.

"Just so you know, you muscle-head. I am angry at you! I don't mind goofing around but that was really awful!"

Terres sobbed accusingly and tried to push Meru away but Meru was much stronger than him so he only propelled himself farther away and his head almost bumped into the other wall.



Two boys stared at each other.

"if you'll laugh I'll stop talking with you forever!"

Terres threatened and his face became blushed.

Meru had a very hard time not bursting out laughing but he managed to control himself.

He saw a determined look in Terres's eyes, the boy would really stop talking to him. Not forever, he was too kind-hearted, but Meru wasn't going to risk even one day of silence.

"Hey, I'm sorry, alright? I'll help you out now, okay?"

He asked.


Terres squinted his eyes at him.

Meru tried to come closer but Terres blocked him with his feet again.


Meru raised his brow questioningly.

"You must first promise that you will be gentle..."

Terres murmured and jolts of electricity passed through Meru's body making his heart beat twice as fast.

"H-hey, it's just untying some bedsheet, how would that be too rough..."

He laughed nervously wondering whether or not Terres might have actually suggested what he himself imagined.

"Promise me!"

Terres tapped his feet on Meru's chest and demanded with a stern face.

"A-alright...! I-I promise I will be gentle!"

Meru declared and blushed.

Terres nodded and looked the other way.

He also took his feet from Meru's chest.

"I leave the rest to you."

He said with an innocent blush.

By this point, he must be doing this on purpose!

Meru gritted his teeth and started trying to untangle the bed sheet puzzle.

"H-hey! C-careful, okay...?"

Terres trembled when Meru's hands kept on touching his body through the fabric.

"Nah, don't worry, I'll be very, very gentle..."

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now