Chapter 1 Meeting with the "heroine"

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Terres could barely contain his excitement. He was already sixteen and the time has come for him to go to the Ranorosso Academy!

His health didn't improve that much but it at least wasn't at the point when he would suddenly collapse without any apparent reason as did actually happen from time to time when he was younger so, although reluctantly, Terres parents gave their consent.

Everything was playing out acceding to the game script, even the thing when the carriage provided by the king as a show of good will towards the general Timotheus was late as the back-story stated.

It all happened so that he, Terres, would get impatient and ride past the heroine whose carriage broke alongside the way and she had to continue on foot with a mountain of baggage on her back. The heroine would see him through the carriage window and start thinking that it would be nice if somebody helped her and then the prince of Galgartia, the continent's biggest kingdom, and the main capture target would see her troubled face and magnanimously offer her a spot in his carriage.

But what if I will stop and invite her first? Won't it kick-start my route?

Terres giggled to himself while checking his luggage for the last time, just to be extra sure he didn't forget to pack anything.

After that he let the coachman put all the luggage at the carriage's back and he turned to his parents standing side by side and looking at him with worried faces. Laurianna even had tears in her eyes.

"Terry, do you really have to go? I know you're almost a grown-up but don't you want to stay with mom...?"

While hugging her son she started sobbing uncontrollably and Timotheus had to make her let go of Terres.

But as Laurianna leaned against his shoulder and started drenching it with her tears, he looked at his son with a serious expression and extended his hand towards him.

"Son. I believe in you. Show them what's Aboys are made of!"

He said proudly.

"Of course, dad! I won't bring shame to our family name!"

Terres declared and shook his father's hand.

On the side note, in the game, Terres's dialogue was voiced by a female voice actress and, for Terres great sorrow, he sounded just like her.

Timotheus gritted his teeth. His son was using a lot of strength to shake his hand, but only to his own standards. Timotheus had to be very careful not to crush his son's fragile hand by mistake.

How can I let this child go into the world...!?

He was every once just as worried about his son as Laurianna but he was a general, he couldn't just show it, and Terres looked so excited that Timotheus gave his best in hiding his true emotions.

"Goodbye, son. Don't forget to write to us from time to time or your mother won't let me hear the end of it."

Timotheus laughed and patted his son's shoulder.

"I will!"

Terres nodded solemnly.

"Mom, dad... I'm going."

Terres smiled entered the carriage and leaned from the window while the coachman made the horses pull the carriage.


Terres waved to his parents.

"Mommy will miss you, Terry...!"

Laurianna cried out and hugged Timotheus. Timotheus himself raised his hand and waved back at his son.

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now