Chapter 5 Temptation

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Terres's shirt was coming undone together with the bed sheet...



Meru was biting his lips, giving it his all to not stare at Terres pristine pale skin, and especially not at the adorable pink nipples that looked just so damn lickable...!

Similarly, Terres was staying silent and glancing at Meru from time to time.

It's better if I stay silent... I don't want to make it awkward, it's already embarrassing enough that he has to unwrap me as if I'm some sort of gift!

Thought Terres and trembled slightly when Meru's hand brushed against his bare side.


Meru quickly apologized and his face became completely red.

"Don't worry, I don't mind..."

Terres was fast to respond, too fast even...

He unintentionally made it sound flirtatious and poor Meru's heart rate accelerated once again.

D-d-d-d-do-don't mind...?!

Meru felt as if someone has struck him in the head with a blunt object.

His hands shook and he had a hard time swallowing his saliva or even breath.

I-if he doesn't mind then does that mean...?

Terres's torso and hands were already free, though the pale boy didn't put back his shirt properly, maybe because there were some buttons missing, and Meru lowered his head slightly getting it ever so closer to Terres's stomach.

More precisely, his cute belly-button.

I wonder how would he react if I just went ahead and kissed it...?

Meru felt his throat getting dry and he glanced up at the abashed Terres.


Terres's face suddenly twisted in fear and Meru hurriedly pulled away in fear that his not-so-pure intentions were found out.


He asked trying to act innocent and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly and his bloodied sleeve stained with almost coagulated blood waved around.

"Your sleeve! Why is it so bloodied!? Did you got into a fight again!?"

Because in truth Terres didn't notice anything suspicious in Meru's behavior, it was the bloodied sleeve that has caught his attention.

Meru was pointing at it terrified.

"Oh, this? No, it's nothing! Just a light nosebleed!"

He tried to just shrug it off but his friend didn't let go of the topic.

"I know that you are good at fighting, but you don't like it, right? You know that you can just walk away and no one would blame you! You don't have to worry about your honor all the time!"

Terres started lecturing Meru and the black-haired boy rolled his eyes.

The mood was completely gone.

"Oh for... It was nothing like that, some assholes needed to be taught a lesson and it just so happens that I was the closest teacher!"

Meru didn't want to put the fact that he was going around beating up Terres's bullies left and right to the Terres himself.

"You? You are just another student!"

Terres furrowed his brows completely missing the point that Meru was making.

Reincarnated as a capture target but... The heroine is a man!?!?Where stories live. Discover now