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(Your point of view)

I woke up feeling kind of dizzy. My head hurt and I felt a bit strange. The last thing I remember was going to bed, but this didn't feel like my bed at all. This felt very uncomfortable and hard... Was this a wooden floor?

Well, that wasn't the only thing off there. I could also hear what sounded like high pitch voices... I could barely hear what they were saying.

"Hey, so you think she's here to take care of us?" One cocky voice said. "I don't know, she just appeared here, she might be a thief" A softer voice said. They both had British accents. What?

"I don't know, we should probably wake her up."  Another voice said.

I opened my eyes to see some kids sitting around me and watching me as I scratched my head.

"Whe... Where am I?" I managed to say. There were four kids. One with beautiful blonde hair twirled into three circles and with a braid in the back with turquoise eyes, which looked like the smallest of them, another one with brown spiky hair and green eyes, another one with dark purple pompadour hair and purple eyes and another kid with properly groomed blue hair and blue eyes.
Standing a bit further was a black haired kid with turquoise eyes with his arms closed. He looked serious.

"Oh, she woke up!" The pompadour kid exclaimed.

I then sat, with my hands covering my face, and let out a groan. This headache was seriously bad.

"Where... am I?" I managed to let out.

"Are you my mom?" The blonde boy said. The others looked at him and then turned to me.

"Uh... What?" I said. That was cute, but at the same time... I am too young to have kids! This was wrong... Where am I? Who are these kids? "Where am I?" I repeated.

"You're in our home, don't ya remember how you got here?" The brown haired boy said.

"No... I really don't..." This headache was getting worse "Where are your parents?"

The kids looked at each other. They looked sad. "We... Don't have any" The pompadour said.

"How? Who's in charge then?" I said. How could they not have parents? Where they living here by themselves?

"I am" The blue haired boy said. He looked like he was around 8 or 9 years old, and he did look like the most mature of them all. "We appeared here almost two years ago. We have lived from the money that was in this house when we arrived. We try not to spend too much because of that. We don't remember anything before we got here apart from our names"

"So you appeared here the same way I did?" This was all so confusing. Nothing of it made sense. They all appeared here and there was money in the house. Did someone live here? "Could you tell me your names? How old are you?"

"I am Jonathan" The blue haired said. "I am nine years old

"Heyy, I'm Joseph" The brown haired winked. "I'm eight"

"I'm Josuke, and I'm six and a half" The pompadour smiled.

"I... I'm five, my name is Giorno" The blonde walked to me and hugged me.

"Hey guys, I'm (Y/N)" I looked at the black haired kid standing apart from the rest "And you are?"

The kid glared at me and looked away. "Hph"

"He's always been like that... He's Jotaro, he's seven years old" Jonathan explained.

I looked at all the kids. They've been living alone all this time?

"Where are you from?" Josuke asked.

"I..." Where am I from? Why can't I remember? "Don't know..." Something's wrong here... I can't remember anything before I woke up! Well, apart from my name and going to bed yesterday.

"Are you our new mommy?" Giorno asked.

"Ehh... Uhh..." I look at him, and his eyes are full of hope. Even more, the others look at Giorno with sadness.

"Giorno, she doesn't even look like you! And I think she has a home to go to" Joseph tells the little boy.

"No, wait." I have no place to go. I don't know who I really am, nor do I know where I come from. Maybe the best thing I could do is stay with these kids and watch them over till I get my memories back. "You know what? I could be your new mom, kids"

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