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Started: March 18, 2019.


"They're chanting our name!" Axton shouted happily, his brown eyes lighting up.

Nic smiled, nodding. She grabbed her drumsticks and combed her gloved hand through her hair.

"Why are we making them wait?" Axton asked.

"Let's get this show on the road," Jem laughed, swinging his arm around Cedric.

Scott smiled, looking past Ax's shoulder to find over 1,500,000 people shouting their band name.

"They're here for us," Nic mumbled to herself. "Let's stop their waiting then!"

Ax wrapped his bass around him, grinning.

"Let's do it!"


Living in Sacramento is just like any other place in 1986. And five high school teens just want to make Hard Rock and Heavy Metal music for teenagers to relate to.

Nic Simmon-Yeets only listens to Heavy Metal and lives at her aunt and uncles house. No one knows why she doesn't live with her parents, and no one really knows why she doesn't care for anything. All they know is that she can bang drums better than nearly anyone in all of Sacramento.

Cedric Richards looks pretty much like a Metal singer who dropped out of high school. No one knows much about why Cedric is the way he is, just that he plays guitar and that his voice is the intro to a whole new kind of perfect.

Scott Edenberg could never have emotions. He's got the hottest teacher as his mom, and he's also 6'3". He's the biggest rule breaker South Sacramento High School has ever seen, but they've never actually noticed the fact that he sits in his garage all day, playing his guitar and smokin'.

Jeremy Carson comes from a lot. Not only is his sister the girl every student has eyes on, but his parents are both a-list models. Coming from a gorgeous family, you'd expect him to walk down a runway listening to pop music and blasting money right and left. But staying in his bedroom and screaming the lyrics to Metallica is more his style. Filled with dirt on his family's name, he plays guitar on his own and plans to be the most famous rock star that has ever been heard.

Axton Burton is anything but good news. He's a bass player who got his first tattoo at the age of fourteen and was born to teen parents. But when he has eyes for someone, he'll do anything to get them to notice. Being Jeremy Carson's best friend, he's used to playing Thrash Metal in his driveway and making neighbors move out.

Five teenagers wound up in a band together, eventually called "Violet Odyssey." Making music is their passion, but they're the most unlikely band there is, and all they want to do is go on a tour, far away from Sacramento.

Soon after their fifteen minutes of Fame, they fall into the aftermath, just as every other band goes through. Drugs take over and real love is questioned. The 80s and 90s were times of their own, and no one said if would be an easy road to survival. Surely they'll make it together, won't they? Or will they?


Alexa Mareka as: Nic Yeets

Alexa Mareka as: Nic Yeets

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