Chapter 18: Breathing - Jeremy

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January 2nd, 1987.

On the airplane we sat, curious about Nic.

We were leaving Sacramento and going to China. I wasn't sure where in China, but somewhere.

I sat at the window seat, with Axton in the middle and Cedric on the edge. In the row before us, there sat Scott, Cory, and Eric. The row next to me just had Kenny, and we had no idea who was next to him.

"So, you guys have no idea where Rocket and Nic went?" Ax asked after a while.

"He just left," Cory sighed. "I mean, he picked up everything and just... left."

"Did he tell you it was with Nic?" Ceddie asked.

"He said that he was gonna be with Nic. He said they just wanted to be there together. We don't know anything else."

"He didn't say where they went?"

"Not a word," Eric sighed.

"Hey, Ced... if we don't, um, have Rocker... would you mind, er, filling in?" Kenny asked slowly.

"Are you serious?" Ced replied.

"You'd be the perfect fit," Cory said.

"Of course, dudes!"

"Then, if you need a drummer... I'd be willing to fill in," Eric offered slowly.

"Of course," I replied.

Still, I worried about Nic and Rocket.

January 3rd, 1987.

We stood at the arena, shocked at the sight of Nic.

How the hell did she get to China?

"Do you... care to explain yourself?" I asked with a gasp.

The whole band stood in shock.

Nic ran away with Rocket.

She wasn't there when we were on the plane.

Rocket wasn't either.

"Explain yourself, dammit!" Cedric ordered.

"We got a house. You'll never find it. It's not in Sacramento. Don't worry, I'll come back. I'll tour and record and everything. But... I just needed to be with him for a while," Nic replied casually.

"So you picked everything up and just... left?" Axton gasped.

"Yep. Pretty much."

"Why?" I asked with a shake of my head.

Nic sat down in a chair, running her hands through her hair.

"Because I... I hate myself. I hate everything about myself. And the memories in Sacramento... some are great. Meeting you guys was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I will forever be grateful for that. But all the abuse and the neglect from the people who were supposed to love me the most... it was all there. I'm sorry, but... I couldn't stay any longer. I had to leave!"

Nic was sobbing by now. It was just the five of us in the room. No one else.

"We were so worried, Nic," Scott sighed.

During the time of searching, Scott wasn't alright.

I felt they had a very underrated friendship. They got along great, usually complaining together.

They were secretly best friends.

Though I'm not sure if it was secretly, or just gone without notice.

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