Chapter 3- Master Plan

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It is my birthday and I don't know how to act.
I actually never do.
The one time of year when I can't really say what will happen.
Not even Riley can truly say what is going to happen.
It's been a couple of weeks since Christmas.
After what Josh said I don't know how to act and Maybe I am in love.
It is early the morning and I decide to get up.
I get dressed and head out the door.

Maya's outfit👆

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Maya's outfit👆

I knock on the door and it opens.
I head in and someone immediately puts their hands over my eyes.

"What on earth?" I say and can hear the door closes.
"Don't freak out," Mr Matthews says and I don't.
"Mr Matthews what is going on. Why..."
"You will find out. Ready?" he asks en I nod.

He removes his hands from my eyes and I see everyone.

"Surprise," they say all at once.
"Guys," I say and my eyes are lighting up.
"Happy Birthday Maya," Riley says and hugs me.
"Thanks guys," I say and see Mrs Matthews has a cake.
"Blow," Mrs Matthews says and I close my eyes, make a wish and blow.
"Yeah. I'll cut," Mrs Matthews said then someone knocked on the door.
"Let me get that," Mr Matthews said.

"Betcha," Shawn said.
"Welcome back Buddy," Mr Matthews said and Shawn comes in.

"Thanks. Wow Riley. Isn't your birthday only in a few months?"
"Yeah but it is Maya's," Riley says and I smile.

"Happy Birthday kiddo. Doing something special?" Shawn asks as he hugs me.
"Not that I know of. My mom," I say and answer the phone.
"Hi Mom. Yeah I'm here," I said and goes off so no one is bothered.

"Did her mother forget her birthday?" Shawn asks.
"She never does anything. That's why we're here," Riley says.
"I may have an idea," Shawn said and pulled his phone out.

I walk around and see a familiar face.
I don't wonder why he is here but who did call him.

"Josh. What are you doing here?" I ask and Josh turns around.
"Shawn said there is a..."

I sight and pull my fingers through my hair.

"Oh boy. I know what this is about," I say and Josh is clearly confused.
"They wanna try and set us up," I said and Josh looks at me.
"Why on earth?" Josh asks.
"Because my mom isn't here today," I said and saw Riley and Shawn.

"Really Riley?" I ask and shake my head.
"It was Uncle Shawn," Riley said quick.
"Just because my mom isn't here for my birthday doesn't mean you have to disrupt other people's lives. I'm so sorry Josh," I say as I turn to him.
"No problem. And happy birthday Maya. How old are you?" Josh asks.
He wasn't angry or anything.
His voice was sweet.
"Fourteen. Sorry Josh," I said again.
"This was cute. I have to go. Enjoy the rest of your day," Josh said.
"Thanks Josh," I said and Josh left.

That left me, Riley and Shawn which I wasn't impressed with.

"I am really fine Shawn. I don't need a whole family to make me happy."
"You sure?" Shawn asked me and I nodded my head.
"Yes. I actually enjoy a little party like this. I don't need anything else."

It actually was nice to see Josh.
I won't lie and maybe it was just my imagination but my feelings were still the same.
I know it's a crush.
And maybe I should tell Riley.
But some other day.


Sorry for the late update.
Had tests that I had to do today.
What do you think about Maya's secret crush on Josh?
Till next time.

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