Chapter 14:

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 *Aurora's Pov.*

        I walked in the school with Kyle at my side. Not even a second we had been in the school and he had already hugged me, said bye, and left me there to go to his locker. I walked to my locker and opened it. I placed my un-needed books and work and grabbed out what i would need for first period. I put my stuff in my backpack and closed my locker when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist pressing my back to them.

"Let. Go. Or else." I stated. I was pretty upset that guys think they can put their arms around a random girl and think they can get away with invading their personal space. That and the fact that most girls went along with it. I mean, wheres self respect!?

"Someone didn't show last night…" Jace whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.

"Yeah, I didn't." I replied, throwing his arms off of me. I closed my backpack and turned around to see no Jace. What? Where the hell did he go!? Oh, dont get all curious Auroura, just be happy he's gone. I just shrugged it off and headed toward the library when my phone went off in my back pocket. I took it out and saw i had a text. I opened the text and it was from Tanner.

Hey, Meet me behind the school! :D

                                    - Tanner

I smiled at the message and checked the time, it was only 7:54, school tarts at 8:30. I smiled even wider and messaged Tanner back.

Alright!  On my way, See you in a sec! :)

I put my phone back and headed toward the school doors, I exited and headed to the back of the school. Once I turned the corner of the building I saw Tanner sitting in the grass with his back against the school wall and he was on his phone.

"Hey." I greeted and approached him.

"Hey." He responded back, smiling. I took a seat next to him and looked up at the sky for a second until he broke the silence.

"I saw you talking to Jace and you didn't seem to fond of it so I rushed out here and sent you a text to meet me so you would have an excuse to leave." He admitted and I looked at him with a smile.

"He actually left before you texted and either way I dont think he would care if i needed to be somewhere or not because he's a cocky Jerk…" I mumbled the last part and he laughed pretty hard. It wasn't that funny but I laughed because it was amusing seeing him act like this. "But thank you. It really means a lot. You're so sweet!" I smiled and hugged him. He stiffened at first but slowly hugged back. It was a little weird but i shrugged it off. I let go of him and looked up at the cloudy sky, it looked like it was going to rain. Ill walk home today, I love the rain.

"So, what do you wanna do? We only have I believe some what of 25 minutes left, sooo" I stated. He just sat there looking down, fiddling with his fingers. I smiled, just watching him. He finally noticed and looked at me after about 4 or 5 minutes.

"What? Why are you smiling at me like that?" He asked nervously. I think he thinks i'm mad about this situation. That i dont want to hangout with him. I hope he doesn't think that. I enjoy his company I really do!

"Well, I asked you a question and you pretty much ignored me and went off into your own little world." I laughed.

"Oh, i'm sorry. What was your question?" He asked with a very weak smile, I think even that was fake. He kept his head down and kept fiddling with his hands.

"What do you wanna-" I stopped myself as I realized getting either a bit nervous or upset. Maybe both? "Whats the matter?"

"Nothing." He replied a little to fast for my liking. It was obvious that it was just nothing. There was something messing with him and it has gotten him bad. Im getting really worried now. "I can tell it's not nothing, Your like, flipping out. You have goose bumps. Please tell me whats wrong." I put my hand on his shoulder and he instantly stood up.

"I gotta go Rorry, I'll see you later." But before he could go anywhere I stood up and grabbed his arm.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? Ill alway be here for you." He just kept looking down. "Please tell me." He pulled me into a hug and we just stood there for a couple seconds. He pulled away, held my hands and weakly smiled. That was DEFIANTLY fake. When he grabbed my hands a shock went up my arms and down my back. It was different.

"I'll see you later Rorry." He let go of my hands and walked away.

I wish he would just tell me what was wrong, I hope he ends up being okay, i hope he tells me and lets me help, well at least try to help. Questions filled my head and emotions took over me. It sucked. Out of it all I only hoped he'd be okay, then I thought about when he held my hands for comfort, when he tried to get me to drop the situation with him and his problem. I really, really hope he'll be alright...

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