Chapter 9:

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*Aurora's Pov.

Today was Tuesday, the second day of school. I was exhausted! Last night Adrianna and Brice were here till around midnight! I only got about 5 and a half hours of sleep. Today i was supposed to meet with Jace behind the school at 7 o'clock tonight. I hadn't told Kyle because i had forgotten all about it. I guess ill have to tell him this morning, But what if he gets upset that i didn't tell him earlier. He knew this Jace guy and i guess they had a bad past. I decided to ignore all the problems in my head and get ready for school.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I opened a cabinet pulling out a robe, towel and a rag and placed them on the counter and turning on the hot shower. I got undressed and hopped in making sure i was throughly clean. When i was done i hopped out and dried off. I put my robe on and quickly washed my face. I opened the bathroom door and walked over to my closet. I rummaged through it till i found a really cute outfit for the day! Well, it was cute to me. (casual girly rock ).

I got dressed and ran back into my bathroom. I applied my make up then headed downstairs where i smelt hazel nut creamer and coffee!!! MY FAVORITE! I saw Kyle sitting down at the table and he looked up me when i passed by him to the coffee maker.

"I made you coffee and breakfast already Rorry." Kyle smiled gesturing me to my food and seat. I smiled back, sat down and dug in to my delicious eggs and bacon.

"Kyle. Theres something i really have to tell you and i dont know how you'll take it." He looked up at me with concern in his eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"well." I paused for a moment then sighed. "Give me a sec." i got up from my chair and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I grabbed my backpack that was beside my desk and dug through it trying to find the note that Jace had put in my locker at school. Once i found it i ran back downstairs and into the kitchen. I placed the note in front of Kyle and sat back down to finish my breakfast. I watched as he read the ante and his eyes widened. He looked up at me.

"You're not going to go right?" he asked. Concern had filled his eyes.

"Yeah, i am. The thing is Adrianna is coming with me because theres nothing saying she can't. I wanted to know if you wanted to come too." i asked him. Silence filled the room as it looks like he was thinking. Minutes later he broke it.

"I'll go but im gonna warn you, he wont be to happy about it, and i think this notes a trap. I'd rather you say you were gonna go and then not go. Hes not a good guy Rorry." He admitted.

"Were not so good either Kye, but if you really dont want me to go i wont." Relief shot through to his eyes and he smiled.

"I dont want you to go. I want you to come home safe and sound and you, me, Brice, and Adrianna can go out to the park or for a movie. We can do waterer tonight." I smiled at him and nodded. I finished eating my food and Coffee and put them in the sink. I ran upstairs quickly knowing i only had a half an hour left before we have to go. Than a thought came to mind. I never finished my homework last night. BAD FIRST IMPRESSION!

I ran to my backpack and threw it on my desk, pulling out my homework. I had to do a page of my science packet using my science book, and 5 math problems the teacher had given us yesterday. It took me a total of 23 minutes but it was done. I quickly threw it back into my back pack and ran to my bathroom. I put brushed my teeth really fast and ran rinsed. I applied my lipgloss and ran back into my room.

"Rorry! Time to go!" Kyle yell from the bottom of the stair case.

"Coming!" I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs where my brother held 2 to go cups. He handed me one and instantly smelt the hazel nut! I hugged and thanked him and with that we were off to school.

I walked into my first period with Adrianna at my side. I had told her i wasn't going to meet up with Jace which made her happy.  She looked very nice today. We actually look like we shouldn't be friends. We look so different but in reality we are damn alike. (Adrianna!). Adrianna wasn't a girly girl, AT ALL! She played sweet and perky and she looked like it, she evens likes the music by Pitbull and Justin bieber, But she could be the biggest bitch if you mess with her family or friends. She was awesome!

"So do you wanna come over to my house after school? Kyle said he was going to take us to the movies." I asked Adrianna was skipping around me as we walked. She was just so much fun to be around.

"DEFIANTLY! It will be F-U-N! FUN!" She was filled with so much energy. I laughed at her silly ways causing her smile to grow. "So, is Brice gonna be there?" She asked nudging me.

"Yeah, why?" I was honestly confused. Did she like Brice?

"Oh just asking." She said and giggled.

"Do you like brice?" I asked her with a grin growing on my face.

"No, I wasn't the one cuddling him last night during the movie" She giggled. Oh no, she thinks I like him. Crap. Knowing her ill NEVER live this down. I stopped in front of her and spoke.

"I MISSY! Do NOT like Brice!" I stated. She looked at me with a smirk.

"Not even a little bit?" She asked, she kept glancing behind me every couple seconds. "what are you looking at?" She grinned and then i heard laughing burst out from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Brice and Kyle standing right there. Heat filled my cheeks. I quickly looked at Adrianna who was also laughing.

"Oh, How i hate you people." i whined and started back on walking to first period.

"Awww! RORRY! YOU DONT MEAN THAT!" Kyle yelled from behind.

I turned around and started walking backwards. "Yeah, I DO!" i yelled back then turned around running into someone. Books dropped all over the floor and i quickly bent down to pick them up hearing Adrianna, Kyle and Brice laughing harder. I rolled my eyes and handed them up to a tall boy with brown hair and heath taking green eyes. He looked to be about 7 inches taller than me. he had a smile so sweet that it made me melt inside.

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