Chapter 16:

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        *Aurora's Pov.*

        The bell rang for lunch and I walked outside to get some air. Classes have been pretty hard since i basically have the first 3 with Tanner, and impatient teachers who are judging me by how I dress even though I checked and I got all A's and B's. Dumb ass teachers… That and Jace wont leave me the hell alone! He just gets creepier by the second. I walked far out to the fed and sat down in and beautiful, nicely cut grass. It was still very cloudy out today and the smell of rain had hit me. I got a tingly feeling, you know the small tingly feeling you get when a bit of happiness and comfort rushes through you and you can't help but fold your arms and smile a small smile. I loved that feeling, especially when upset. I heard quiet footsteps behind me and didn't bother to look knowing it was most likely Adrianna or Kyle. I put my hair in my face then they took a seat next to me.

"Whoever you are go away, I'm not in the mood." I heard the person sigh. It was a guy, thats what the sigh sounded like at least.

"We're looking for you, I win." he chuckled. I didn't have to look to know he was smirking.

"Well i'm here, now go away." I said pretty coldly. I felt a little bad about it but ignored it.

"Dont have to be a bitch about it." He mumbled. I quickly stood up grabbing my stuff and fatly walking from the field to leave the campus and it started to rain. I didn't care how hard it rained all i know is that I needed to get out of here. I might not care what others call me or think of me but coming from who I thought was my friend is a whole other story. "Aurora!" Tanner yelled after me and followed pretty close behind.

"Go away Tanner!" I put more force and walked faster just wanting to get away from him. I saw the park and walked to the jungle jim finding anyway to get away. What was a calm rain on my way of the school campus was now a rain shower as I made my way up the stairs to be put on the second floor of the playground equipment. I looked around and Tanner was gone, no where to be seen. I sat walked up to the very top floor of the playground equipment which was the fourth floors. There was a huge tent that covered the oversized jungle jim. There were slides all around on each floor. Poles so you could slide down, and what normally was at a park. I looked out past the bars of the jungle jim and saw swings, teeter-totters, a toddler's playground that was also covered with a tent but a very small one judging the size of the small jumble jim, a basketball court, a beautiful soccer field and much more, even the park's train! Of course it was a rainy day so the park was technically closed but did I care? No.

 I sat down by a slide and was drying off a bit from the rain. My phone went off in my backpack and scared me. What if I was in school and it went off. I swear I turned it off before I went on campus this morning. Then it hit me, I went to use the restroom in third hour and Jace was sadly sitting next to me. When I came back he jerked away from my seat. He must have turned it on and was trying to get me in trouble by getting my number from my phone but didn't have enough time to do so. Thats the only explanation. That jerk! I quickly opened my back pack and searched for my phone but was to late, it had went to voicemail. I checked to see who called me and it was my mom. I quickly called her back, she might have been really mean but I miss her i know that she loves me, she even said so. She told me she loves me she just wasn't raised with good parents and did stupid shit but she loves me and Kyle. I heard the phone ring and on the fourth ring she answered.

"Aurora honey, Are you okay?" My mom asked concerned, I always answered my phone when she called, well normally did anyways. I guess I scared her a bit.

"Yes Mom, I'm okay. I just get to my phone in enough time." I explained and she sighed in relief.

"Okay. I'm glad you're okay. Well I got some great news! I got the job! I'm moving to Vegas!" She cheered. My heart broke in an instant but i covered it up and acted with excitement.

"Thats great mom! When are you coming for the rest of your things?" I asked hoping she would say soon.

"I'm not, some movers are going down there to gather my things." My hear broke again and a tear escaped my eyes.

"Oh, so… we wont be seeing you any time soon." I said more of a statement than a question.

"Not till next moth, sorry honey." I moved the phone away from me trying to catch my breathe a bit so i wouldn't break. I brought the phone back up and put on my acting phase again.

"Oh, its okay. We'll see you next month! That and we can still call." I smiled at the little things trying not to take those for granted while i still have them.

"Okay baby I gotta go, my boss keeps calling. I call you later and i already told your brother." She informed me. I nodded but realized she couldn't see me.

"Ya, okay. Talk to you soon! I love you mommy." my voice threatening to break.

"I love you too Rorry." She cooed. I didn't want to say bye. I thought if I said bye there wouldn't be another hello. This would be our last talk. My side started to hurt and an awful feeling went to my gut as tears reached the brim of my eyes starting to spill.

"Bye" I managed to get out.

"Bye dear." And with that she hung up.

I wiped my eyes and forced myself not to cry, I hate crying. I checked the time on my phone and I only have 6 minutes to get back to class. Instead I just sat there, I'm just going to stay here for a while than go home. I haven't ditched since 2 years ago and that was a good reason. I was being bullied and pushed around because of rumors, thats when i found out drugs could do wonders. They took my mind off things but I instantly stopped when I was almost rapped by this guy i stumbled upon when I was stupid and high and decided to take a walk all by myself. Thankfully 2 men and a woman passed by the ally the pervert pulled me into and they heard me screaming. The guys ran towers me and knocked him down and the woman came to help me up. I had woken up at their place the next morning with and icepack on my head and the woman made breakfast while the 2 boys were sitting by me. Thats the day I made 3 new friends and they helped me quit drugs. It was really hard but I recently got over it around 5 and a half months ago. Not even Kyle knew about it. I couldn't tell him that I got addicted to drugs, was almost raped, that i was bullied. It would crush him. Then he'd NEVER leave my side. It's best to stay quiet. Tears reached the brim of my eyes again and threatened to spill but I held them in. They say its good to let them all out when you need to but I think thats just weakness, It hurts to much, Its better if I avoid my feelings that way I dont get hurt.

I looked up at out at the whole park and the rain was lighting up. I'll leave once it stops, for now lets just enjoy the beautiful view and silence. I relaxed and prayed for time to stop so I wouldn't have to face everyone, especially since they're all coming to my house after school.

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