Chapter 32:

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*Aurora's Pov.*

It's been a week since Brice kissed me. He hasn't shown up at school so Kyle's been taking him his homework and notes that the teacher had told him to do. Every time I ask Kyle about him Kyle shuts up. He'll talk to me, just not about Brice. Me and Ryder are still a thing. He's been so sweet and has been comforting me. Yet something deep inside has been telling me to stay away and I should listen to it but I don't and I know it's going to come back on me. I was on my way to my locker to put my stuff away before heading to lunch and someone stopped me by putting their arms around my waist and bringing me into the janitors closet. I fought to break free but then hear a recognizing chuckle and I smiled. I turned around to see my boyfriend, Ryder before my eyes.

"Well hello there Princess." He smirked which made me giggle.

"Hey there Handsome." I laughed. I already told Ryder about the kiss and he was mad at first but he knew it wasn't my fault and got over it.

"So, I was thinking we go to a party tonight." He put his hands on my hips and backed me up into the wall. I smiled and nodded but then thought. A party. There will be drinking and sluts and jocks everywhere. I sighed and shook my head as I looked down.

"Why not?" He asked.

"There will be drinking, sluts, jocks, perverts. I'd rather not." I admitted and he pouted.

"Oh come on. It will be fun." I still shook my head no and he gave me the puppy eyes. Honestly, he was fucking cute when he did that but that NEVER works on me.

"You know that never works on me. I don't know why you try." I giggled. He shrugged then smirked.

"Why oh why must you make things so difficult." He sighed. I gave him a questioning look and he smashed his lips into mine. It took me a second but I slowly kissed him back. Our kiss deepened and he begged for an entrance and I didn't grant it. He pulled away looking a little ticked off but I just smirked.

"Fine. We'll play it your way." I smirked but then he leaned in and kissed my neck. He was trying to make me gasp. I new better than that so I held it in. I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned as he found my soft spot.

"I think i'm winning." I whispered then smirked. He stopped and growled in my ear. He lifted me up, putting my legs around his waist and pushed me harder against the wall as he kissed my neck. Still nothing. Just soft moans. He isn't getting anything out of me. I smirked to myself but then he groped my thigh. I breathed deeply but stopped from any gasping which was very hard. I'm most likely going to be losing this if he continued though. Knowing he wasn't getting anything out of me just yet, he set me on a empty desk and he was between my legs. Shit. He started to become a hormonal teen he is and groped me all over. Thats when I had enough and pushed him away. Well, I tried too.

"Okay get off of me Ryder." I said trying to catch my breath.

"No thanks." he mumbled into my neck.

"Seriously Rye. We need to get to lunch before we get caught!" I whispered/yelled.

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