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Lucifer's pov
Her eyes lit with astonishment. I didn't know what she thought right now.

Her lip quivered as her eyes glossed over. My thumb wiped the tear from her perfectly sculpted face.

" why do you cry. My love?" Did I scare her? Terrify her even.

Her eyes shut tightly as she took a step back shaking her head.

" you.. you can't be. I don't understand. Why do you want me? What did I do" Lily spoke. Her small frame shook.

" sit. Let me explain." I reached out, offering my hand to her.

Her eyes gazed down at it. Debating if she should or not.

Her small hand took mine hesitantly.

A small smile crept onto my face.

I led her to my bed. Sitting next to her.

" Where to begin. Do you know of the fallen angels ?"

Lily's pov

The fallen angels.
" I know of stories, yes. I'd hardly say I was an expert though" I spoke quietly.

Lucifer cleared his throat.

" then let me explain"

I nodded. Crossing my legs in front of me.

" The story tells that before there was light, there were angels. Heaven was created. All was content until Lucifer revolted against god. A line was drawn in paradise. A war began and every angel was forced to choose the holiness of heaven or chaos that roamed outside. One angel rebelled stating the only thing worth fighting for was the thing we now call love. Cast out, this angel did not fall alone. Every angel that was yet to choose fell in a flash of fury.These are the fallen. Exiled from heaven, they wander the earth banished until the rebel angel abandons love and picks a side." Lucifer spoke.

I sat there astonished.

" wh..why did you revolt against god?" I questioned. Bewildered I even believed he was Lucifer in the first place.

Luce let out an annoyed sign. Standing and pacing the room.

" I never said the story was true." He commented. Raising a brow.

" Why would I go against god for no reason? I was told to choose. There was a prophesy told that I was to fall in love with a human girl. God told me it was impossible, that I was to pick his side. Rule with him. When I revolted his ask of me, that's when the war broke out. I wasn't cast out to heaven, I was exiled and sent to hell as my punishment. Made to deal with suffering. My punishment that will never end until I decide to abandon love and choose his side."

I gulped. Un settled of what to believe. I was truly and utterly speechless. Although, what did I have to do with all this ?

" Luce, what is my role in all of this?" I questioned. Seeming to fumble with a loose thread that hung from my jeans.

" You my love are the prophesy. you are the one I fall in love with" lucifer watched me warily as I tried to take it all in.

" me?" I asked astonished.
I was so very ordinary, why would I be destined to be the love of Lucifer?

" You my love" he smiled. Placing his large hand on my thigh.

I couldn't help the sudden feeling that ran through body, when his skin touched mine. Causing me to gasp.

My eyes met his, a smirk plastered across his menacing face.

" I..I " I tired to form my sentence but the words wouldn't come out.

Lucifer leaned in, his long finger lifting up my chin to look at him.

" That's what happens to mates darling" his eyes studied my face.

" what happens?" I questioned. Pretending it didn't feel like 100 volts of pleasure just ran through my veins.

" When I touch you in a certain way, let just say you feel different my dear" Luce replied.

I blinked at him.

" I don't feel anything" I replied.


He chuckled. His eyes getting darker.

" oh is that so my darling?" He taunted. I nodded.

Suddenly I was flipped onto my back, my wrists pinned above my head as I lay there helplessly.

So you feel nothing dear?" Luce spoke. Raising his brow.

I nodded breathlessly.

" let me up luce" I squirmed. Trying to free my self from the angels grip.

His head ducked to my neck, leaving slow wet kisses down my neck and along my collar bone.

I couldn't help but let out a small whimper.

Why must he make me feel this way.

He continued his torture down my body, lifting my shirt up a little at the waist. His eyes looked up at me.

Shining a metallic colour.
I couldn't deny the wetness that seemed to form in my underwear.

Luce played with the band of my jeans. His fingers reaching from the button on them.

When suddenly he stopped.

"Don't you know lying is a sin?" He  cockily smirked.

With that, he released me from his grip. Leaving me aroused.

I let out a moan of annoyance.

Un happy with his actions. I sat up, a frown upon my face.

" I better let you sleep love. Goodnight angel. " with that Luce left. Happy with himself.


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