Chap. 2

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 School went by pretty fast I stayed in the background trying to stay unnoticed. That is until 7th period the only class I have with May my best friend. We sit in the back of the class and make fun of Lexi, Allison, and Jordan the preps. 

  Today Lexi cant get through her head that in Africa they dont have stores and buildings EVERYWHERE. I laugh at her confused face. She looks helpless. Mrs. Carpenter keeps explaining that they are not all rich. 

 " Wait so like they dont have WIFI or t.v. or anything? Like what do they do all day play with rocks?" she giggles. Twirling strands of her bleach blonde hair inbetween her fingers. 

 I groan and roll my eyes already hearing this question 3 times today. May sits up and starts talking.

"No Lexi we dont all have nices houses and cars and Daddy's that buy us everything and anything we want." she coos talking to Lexi like a baby. I try not to laugh by biting my lip.

Lexi rolls her eyes and turns back around and I grin and high-five May. We have been getting tortured by Lexi and her crew of bleach blonde friends since sophmore year. Since I refused to quit being their friends because I didn't want to dye my hair and wear pounds of makeup. 

  Me and May get bullied but at least we're not alone we have eachother. We don't really let Lexi get to us because we know that she is a no one. She has no impact on our lives and we just like messing with her. 

 The final bell rings before Mrs. Carpenter can give us homework for the weekend and I smile. I tell May I'll see her tomorrow and head toward the front doors.  I see Michael in his truck he bought from Ashton's uncle last year. When I open the door Green Day blast through the stero. I smile and Michael looks at me and as soon as I shut the door Michael speeds off to Luke's house.

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