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When we arrive to the restaurant I see people walking in laughing and talking.

I look around for May but I don't see her anywhere. 

"Bethany, are you okay?" he says referring to me frantically looking around.

"Uhh.. y-yeah...i'm fine." I smile. 

"I cant wait for my parents to meet you." he says placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I can't wait to meet them." I say. 


When I meet Calum's parents they seemed to really like me. Even though they were more intrested in Mali Koa's boyfriend since he seemed a little odd I still got my fair share of questions. I answered them as best I could making sure I was polite as possible. 

Calum kept his hand on my thigh the whole night. It was comforting to know he was there for me but also scary to know that May could hurt him. 

I finish eating my dinner at about the same time everyone else did. 

" So, Bethany what do you plan to do after you leave after you leave high school?" Calum's mom questions.

" I'm actually questioning whether I would like to be a marine biologist or a scientist." I reply smiling.

"Really? You must be a smart girl then?" she compliments.

"Well, I mean I guess so." I blush. 

"That's great." she says. 

" Mom, me and Ty are going to be leaving now." Mali giggles. 

 " Oh well then I guess we should all go then." Calum's Dad sighs. 

" Ty, Bethany it was very nice meeting you." Calums parents say shaking our hand and giving us friendly hugs. 


Calum walk me to my front door. I smile at how romantic he is. The intertwines our fingers and kissed me gently on the lips.

" My parents really like you Beth." he says smiling and pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

" They seem really nice, too." I giggle. 

" I love it when you laugh." Calum says making butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

" Goodnight, Calum." I say kissing him quickly.

" Goodnight, love." he pecks my nose and walks back to his car. 

When I walk inside I shut the door and lock it. I walk to the back door to make sure its still locked. I'm really afraid of May. I lock all the windows and shut the blinds. 

When I finally get to my room i'm exhausted. I change in to shorts and a hoodie and quickly wipe off my makeup. 

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

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