Falling for Luthor

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kara POV

"Supergirl Lena's in danger there are coming after her " Alex says as I fly to l-corp to save lena.

"Supergirl what are you doing here is something wrong" Lena says with a concerned look. Before I had a chance to answer her 4 men come In and start shooting I tried to grab all the bullets, after the 4 men ran out of bullets I seen that Lena was leaning on her desk holding her stomach I quickly grab Lena and take her to the DEO

Once at the DEO Alex comes up to me and help me with Lena she grabs Lena and take her to the medical  room.  I go change out of my suit, Then is started to pace around the room and started think about what would happen if she died. I started to cry I really love Lena with all my hearts she always makes me happy besides Alex. Alex comes out the room and sat next to me holding me telling me everything is going to be ok.

After An hour the doctor comes out and tells us she did very well and that she is resting. I walk in to the room and see her so peaceful I pull up a chair and sit.

"Lena plz wake up I need you I'm so sorry for not protecting you and I can't live without you and I love you so much " I said in a wishper

Lena pov

Hearing Kara tell me how she feels and telling me she loves me really put me in a good place. I knew how she felt because when she looks at me, I see how much she loves me. But what she doesn't know is that I feel the same way about her. I start to move a little. Her, nope, I'm woke.
"K-kara I-I love you I always I always have and I really want to be with you, I knew since the first day I met you."I Say, and she has tears coming down her face, I put her into a kiss after she was surprised, but she kiss back, we heard someone clear their work clear their voices in mean Carlo looks up to see Sam Alex we're standing there, I looked down to see car returning red, it was so cute

"Well Kara Danvers will you be my girlfriend"

"Yes" Kara say in a happy voice she pulls me on to a kiss and we hear 'awwww' and I smile into the kiss

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