love at first sight

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My cousin Clark and I were on our way to Luthor Corp to interview Ms.  Luthor. About her hosting a Ceremony for her new sign.

*skip to l-corp*

'Hey Jessica I'm here for a interview Ms. Luthor' Clark tells the assistant.

"Walk right in she is expecting you"

Clark and I walk into the room to see a brunette doing some paper work.

'Good afternoon,Ms.Luthor 'Clark says making her look up. My mouth drops she is so beautiful her green eyes her perfect lips and her chest oh rao. Get it together Kara.

"Hello Mr Kent, who Must you be? " She says with a beautiful smile in my face.
'K-Kara, Kara Danvers' I try not to stutter, I look down and adjust my glasses.

"Nice to meet you Ms danvers. What shall I do for you guys" She says showing off her dimples.

'Umm we were Here to interview you about the new sign and the ceremony' I say.

"Alright ask away" she says a smile on her face.

*after the interview*

'Thanks for your time Ms Luthor. 'I say

"It was great to meet you Ms Danvers I hope this is not the last encounter"

'Hope so too see you Ms Luthor ' I say winking at her walking out the door. I let out a breath that I didn't know I holding in. Wow Lena is so beautiful I think I'm in love with Ms Luthor. Her figure is oh rao.

Lena POV

Kara Danvers is absolutely stunning those blue eyes her cute dimples its every thing. Just looking at her gives me this feel that one chat explain.


After a few months of getting to know each other and the flirting going on between the too Kara finally confesses her feeling she had for Lena . Kara and Lena have been dating ever since.

Ik short but I have to be ready for school

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