Viagra prank

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FYI this is not another supercorp one .

Alex and Kelly (Kelly Gip)

Alex pov

"What is up AK gang this is my first ever prank on Kelly, so today I am going to be doing Viagra prank on her today, I'm kind of nervous cause I don't know how this will play out. I've seen the prank that Lena did on Kara which was really funny and weird 😖 But let's get into the video so right now. Kelly is at work she gets off soon so I have 30 minutes to get this prank ready,so I already have the Viagra and I am going to her smoothie so yeah let me get everything ready."

I'm so excited for this prank I set up the 2 cameras, one in the kitchen and the bedroom. Yeah, I know in the bedroom really, but we're gonna be watching a movie tonight . I quickly make her smoothie and put the Viagra in it. As I was about to put her smoothie and the refrigerator, she walks through the door. And I'll look at the camera putting up my thumbs.

"Hey, babe, how was work?"I asked kissing her.

" It was good Kara is really fun to work with. But I'm going to go take a shower then we can watch the movie alright?" She says kissing me one more time as I nod. I go something to be and get the snacks 30 minutes later, she comes out in a towel. She puts on a sports bra bra and a pair of grey joggers i bite my lip. She gets in the bed and grabs her smoothie drinking it I just smile.

"Baby what movie are we watching?" She said cuddling into me.

"The expandables " I say super excited it's one of my favorite movies. We start the movie and Kelly finishes her smoothie 30 minutes into the movie Kelly starts to move around

"Kelly what are you doing" I say trying not to laugh.

"Babyyy I'm externally horny and I don't know why it won't go down" She whines.

"I need you baby " She says kissing on my neck.

"Babe I'm trying to watch the movie stop. " Kelly whines and I move to the other side of the bed. After 20 minutes I see Kelly moving her hand up and down on her shaft making me wet.

I move her hands of her shaft I needed her.

"Baby I put Viagra in your smoothie" I say innocently she wraps her hand around my throat. making me moan.

"what the hell alex are you serious"kelly say's pissed she lets my neck go and goes into the bathroom and i get the camera and run to the kitchen

"Guys im scared kelly looked mad at me but alright i will be back with another banger."i turn off the cameras and knock on the bathroom door kelly yanks the door scaring the shit out of me. she grabs my throat and kiss me roughly making me moan into her mouth with her other hand she smacks my ass hard making me whimper into the kiss.Kelly picks me up so i can wrap my legs around her I moaned when I felt her shaft hit my core I grind into it making her groan. She throws me on the bed and rips my clothes off. Before I knew it she was naked and on top of me she lines her shaft p with my entrence she slowly enters me and starts to thurst slow and deep making me moan and whimper I start to thrust my hip upward to get something more but she pushes my hips down and start to pound into me going fast hitting my spot repeatedly.

"FUCK baby right there fuck" she takes my legs and pushing them over my shoulders and pulls out just to slam back in making me scream out she starts to thrust faster and deeper.I feel my self getting closer and closer to my orgasm.

"MHMMM baby you close huh"Kelly says now thrusting slow and hard making me whimper and nod my head eagerly making her chuckle.kelly kisses behind my ear bitting and sucking on my spot which i know i am going to have a hickey she tells me to cum and i cum right on the spot.Kelly keeps going not letting up she thrusting quicker i try ro push her but she just grabs my wrist putting them above my head.

"BABY PLEASE FUCK-IMMM SORRY" I maon out im so senstive she leans down and gives me a sloopy kiss she lets my hands go as i wrap my legs around her waist. i Claw on her back as i feel my self having another orgasm as i come down from my second high i know kellys about so i clinch around her making her groan she thrusts one last time coming inside which makes me moan as her thick ropes fill me up.She slowly pulls out laying next to me.

"Shit i should get you mad more often" I Say making both of us laugh.

"Baby im hard again round 2? in the shower?" she says I nod.


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