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(Alex &maggie)

Maggie pov

I honestly can't believe she cheated on me and the fact she had the audacity to do it in our home in our bed it hurt so much I don't know what happened to the loving loyal woman I called my girlfriend we have been together for 4 years all the love and work I dedicated to this relationship thrown away I have always been there for her even if she didn't want me to I feel so hurt because she said she wasn't like the others but look at everyone  I have loved they changed was it because me because of me am I not enough do i belong,should I stop caring, ended my life I have no one and I mean no one my parents are dead. My family don't care about me I have no real friends.

I'm currently at a hotel drink my pain away six empty bottles on the floor a gun in my hand debating if I should in my life or stay alive I start to write a letter to Alex

Dear Alex,

      I love you and I will always love you, I was going to propose, but you cheated, and that is why I had to leave that my last draw. I just hope you have a great life when I'm gone, you told me that you were different from the others you said that you wouldn't break my heart, I had hope in you but it's the end for me, just remember, I love you and I'm sorry

Before I finished Alex bus and grabbing the gun out my hand, taking the bullet out of the chamber, I was so close to pulling the trigger, but she stopped me, she grabbed me, pulling me into a hug, making me cry and try to push her off with me, but she's so strong, stronger than me, I can't think straight, why was she here holding me, she hurt me badly, I cry and I cry til I am soon asleep in her arms.

Alex pov

I need to explain myself to her, it hurts so much to know, I almost drew her to kill  herself, it hurts me a lot, but I know I hurt her, but I had to tell her, I honestly didn't Mena to cheat on her  it was a threat. My  ex-boyfriend, he threatened to post my secret secret what secret...., I have a penis, I was born like this  only her kara and lena know John also knew,but I wasn't ready to come out to the world, because I thought they would hate me because I was different, I should have just told everyone instead of cheating on her  I looked down on the bed, I see a piece of paper on the bed with my name on it, I read it and I start to cry, she was putting on proposing I lay next to her and I pull her into me as I cried my self to sleep, "I love you so much, I'm sorry for you hurting you".

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