Red kryptonite

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Should Kara tell Mon-El he is not the on she loves. Kara asked herself, Kara is on her way to L-corp. She gets a call from Alex telling her they needed help. Kara flies to the crime scene and is hit with a strong substance she looks around and leave.

At the DEO

Kara walks in to the DEO.

'Kara what are you doing to day' asked Alex

"Umm what am I going to do... Oh yeah I'm going to go tell Mon-El he is a fucking baby and need get the fuck out my apartment. " Kara say with a smile her face. Kara looks at Alex and see she is looking behind her were Mon-El stands there shook. Kara walks up to him "We are finished I never truly loved you bye" She says flying out of the window to L-corp.

At L-corp

Lena is sitting on the couch with a drink in her hand thinking about Kara she starts to get horny she gets up and locks her door and start to play with herself Kara lands on the balcony looking at Lena play with her self Kara Superspeed over to the CEO and pushes her legs over her head and start to eat her out and 'Supergirl... Don't stop uhh right there' kara kept going picking the Luthor up and keeps going Lena pushes Kara's head deeper into her. Lena let out a loud moan pretty sure people could hear her from out side. Once Lena came down from her high Kara put Lena's clothes back I her and flew out the window. Lena was so confused she heard a knock I the door she straight edge her self out and went to open the door only to be greeted by her mother.

'What do you want mother'

"I came by to see if you I you'd your little gift. "

'Mother what did you do to kara'

"Ohh right I forgot about that one she was injected with red kryptonite"

No wonder she left Lena thought Lena didn't see her mother leave. She called Alex and told her that her mother injected her with red kryptonite and that's why she has been acting weird.

Short I know sorry😔

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