Semi-Automatic ~Josh~

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I see Jenna whisper something into Tyler's ear, whatever she said it had moved Tyler in a away I'd never seen him act like before. It was like she'd killed him and saved his life at the same time. After she lent back into her chair all Tyler could do was twiddle his thumbs, obviously pondering over the words Jenna had whispered to him.

I stop focusing on Tyler and focus on my parents, who don't have a lot to say, but still manage simple small talk. Debby is listening into one of those weird conversations the Josephs' get themselves into, Tyler still remaining silent. Sometimes I wonder what the mind of Tyler Joseph is like, because I don't think he himself knows what to expect from it.

"And then he fell over!" I hear Tyler's brother Jay laugh, I guess I forgot that I was meant to be listening to the conversation. I force a smile, and hope its contagious because Tyler's looking really depressed.

Our tacos arrive a little under 20 minutes after we ordered them, and as everyone tucks in, I can't help but notice Tyler's barely touched his, and neither have I.

"Not hungry?" My dad asks Tyler, he shakes his head.

"Me and Tyler ate at the airport." I lie. Tyler looks over and mouthes 'Thank You' because we both know he's not hungry because he's depressed. 'Don't mention it bro' I mouth back at him.

After they've all finished their tacos we start with some light conversation.

"So what's lined up for this week?" Debby asks everyone, in a jolly tone as usual.

"I don't know but it'll be nice to do something like this again, you know, all here together and happy..." Maddy smiles pointing her eyes at Tyler when she stops talking.

"Yeah, that'll be nice!" Tyler says back mocking her, but Maddy just rolls her eyes at him.

"Maybe we should do some sort of activity, it's not all about the food!" Zack laughs, nudging Maddy with his elbow as everyone laughs back, even Tyler laughs.

"I think it's time we go, it's getting late and you boys must feel the jet-lag!" my mom smiles, standing up.

"It was nice catching up." Tyler says awkwardly because it's the only nice thing he said since we got here.

"Yeah" everyone nods in agreement as we all head for the door.

"Who paid?" I ask confused for a second.

"Don't worry, dinner was on me." Mr.Joseph chuckles darkly.

"Thanks!" I shout as he closes his car door a drives off.

It's cold outside and it's raining;typical Ohioan weather. Tyler, being the warm-hearted gentleman he is, wraps his jacket around Jenna, and rests his arm on her shoulder.

"I love you." I hear him whisper to her soothingly.

Holding Onto You: Part II (Twenty One Pilots Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now