Scarlet Letter ~Josh~

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As I pant behind Tyler he stops at his porch, almost loosing his balance on a slushy pile of melting ice.

"We got mail!" Tyler shouts as if was some young child who easily gets over excited.

"Who's it to?" I ask, catching up with him, but still panting from sprinting half a mile.

"It's from Ezra..." he gulps.

"Should I open it?" he asks worryingly.

"Well if you don't you'll always wonder what it said."

"Good point." he sighs, opening the letter with his index finger.

'Dear Tyler.' Ezra begins.

'Words cannot describe how glad I am that you finally understood what you had all along ; a purpose.

You and Josh made me realise that it's what's inside of us that matters most. A vessel is something that contains something important, and you are important. Look at all you're fans,they want you in their life, because you saved them. And all they're doing is returning the favour. Stay strong.'

Droplets of rain drizzle down the page causing the ink to run and distort his words.

'P.S:' the letter continues.

'See you out you're hometown show.

Sincerely, Ezra.'

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