Shoot At This ~Tyler~

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Josh offers to drive back because he knows I'm not feeling up to it. Although Jenna has made me feel like she's there for me, I can feel another sort of vacancy. Could it be my mom making me so empty, or perhaps even Josh.

We arrive home after dropping Debby and Jenna off at Debby's place because there's not enough room around mine. Josh says he'll sleep on the couch, but I said it's ok if we share a bed, but I'm not entirely sure he was comfortable with the whole concept of us sleeping together. Which is ok, because there's a couch in my room, so it's not as if he's close enough.

It's 11pm and Josh is snoring loudly on the couch with his hat covering his eyes. I scroll through Instagram and look at all the pictures I've been tagged in, so many people, so many different stories. It makes me wonder, where would they be without me? Where would I be without them?

The light from my phone makes my eyes squint and I'm starting to feel a tiny bit drowsy, then I decide to try and fall asleep.

I close my eyes and the next thing I know my eyes reopen.

I'm dreaming.

"Hello!" I shout out into a darkened room, 'this dream seems familiar' I think. I hear a crowd of torn apart weeps coming from behind me. I turn my head.

It's my family, Josh and Jenna are there too. They're all on their knees, in a straight line, almost as if they were pleading. I join them, and start crying too. Now I remember, it's like the dream I had when I was in a coma,

'This isn't gonna end well.' I think to myself.

" Life or death?!" I voice shouts from in front of us, we all look up in unison,and only this time, it isn't Josh holding up the gun...

It's me.

"DEATH!!!" Everyone but me screams,

"Life... I whisper helplessly. And one by one a gunshot goes off and another person I love drops dead. It's down to three of us, me Josh and Jenna, Josh next in line. His head turns robotically until he's facing me and says:

" We're Broken People"

A tear dreams down his eye as the gun goes off and goes through his temple, and with blood spraying everywhere the best friend I once knew falls to the ground. Dead. I'm speechless.

This is too realistic.

Jenna's next and I don't think I can take anymore. She turns to me and says smiling,

"Tyler," she puts her hand on my face softly, "I never loved you." She smiles as the guns goes off.

"NOOO!!!" I scream at the top of my voice.

I wipe the tears from my eyes as the room of bodies fade. I stand up, literally facing myself. I scrunch my face up in disgust. The dream version of me with the gun narrows his eyes and gives a devilish smirk, holding the gun to my chest.

Fused at the wrist I tell him,

"Shoot at this..."


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