Crystal Clear ~Josh~

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"What are we going to do about Ezra?" I ask,looking at Tyler.

"We could invite him back to my house, even though I hardly know the guy." Tyler says, soothingly rubbing his temple in small circular movements.

"Ok, that means we'll have to find him after the show."

"I'm up for that,plus I really want to meet some of our fans, they give me hope you know."

" I know." I agree, nodding my head.

"Now we've got that decided, what shall we do today?" Jenna asks, sweeping her head across the room, quickly examining all of our faces.

"I don't know." I say shrugging my shoulders, before anyone asks for my opinion.

"Me neither." Tyler includes, taking a sip from his red bull.

"How about we go to the woods?" Debby's suggests. Me and Tyler look at each other, waiting for one of us to tell them where we went last night. Jenna notices us looking at one another.

"Or not..." she says, giving us a suspicious glare.

"The lake?" Debby suggests, trying her best to make us make our minds up.

"Yeah, sounds good to me." Tyler says, with no particular emotion portrayed, placing his red bull on the coffee table.

"That's where we'll go then, to the lake it is!" Jenna says standing up, full of energy.

"I'll drive again if you want Tyler?" I say,standing up as well.

"No man, you drove last time, I'll drive this time." He says, walking out of the room before I could answer him.

"Mom we're going to the lake!" Tyler shouts whilst opening the front door.

"Be careful honey!" she shouts back a few seconds later.

The lake is a few miles away and walking wasn't even an option for us at this point, so as we sorta discussed, Tyler is going to drive. Which I'm okay with, he needs some sort of distraction, but for some reason I don't think driving is gonna help solve that.

The rain had stopped near enough over an hour ago. The slush has gone, and all is left is the puddles of water. I breath out and watch my icy breathe float up into the air. Although I was use to the weather, I kind of felt different. I felt what Tyler had explained to me once before. He said that when the weather was miserable he could feel the 'Seasonal Depression' and that's kind of how I feel, depressed.

Holding Onto You: Part II (Twenty One Pilots Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now