Chapter Nine

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From: Calista Summers

To: Annabelle Jenkins

Subject: Hi

Dear Anna (a.k.a. my guardian angel),

I've come to think of you as my guardian angel. Who knows what could have happened if you hadn't showed up when you did. I think I'll always think of you that way. It all makes sense now... I had a feeling that there might be something special about you, and turns out I was right.

I wish you luck at RAMS. You and I are in the same boat -- although, I'm not moving out of state, I'm starting at college, farther from home, where I don't know anyone. Both my parents and my therapist thought seeking out new experiences might be a good idea, considering everything that's happened in the last year.

I know you have a lot on your mind right now, so I'll tell you about that another time. One day, I'd like to tell you what happened, but only if you want to know.

Your new friend,



From: Annabelle Jenkins

To: Calista Summers

Subject: Hi

Hi Calista,

So nice to hear from you. I do like the idea of being your guardian angel. Lol! I'll gladly take on the job, if you still need one.

I'm here at RAMS which is nothing like my old school. It's beautiful here but there are a lot of rules, and I need to wear a uniform, and they serve things like kale and quinoa at the cafeteria. And the boys are weird. But all in all, things went pretty well. My roommate, Alicia, is super nice and has taken me under her wing.

I hope your first day at college went well, too. And yes, I do want to hear your story. When you are ready to tell it, of course.

Talk soon,

Your guardian angel.

P.S. I only get an hour of media time a day, so I most likely won't be able to reply to your emails super quickly. :(


It was my last class of the week, Psychic Development, and I was mentally patting myself on the back for having survived my first week. I settled comfortably in my seat behind the girl with the purple pig tails and the boy who everyone calls Snow, because he's so white; both complexion and hair. I twirled my bobble-butterfly pen, and watched the sparkles swirl in front of my eyes.

"Psychic sensitivities come in many forms," Mr. Todd was saying. "Clairvoyance is a word taken from French, meaning 'clear vision', and it's just one of the gifts under the psychic sensitivities umbrella. We'll be going through all this in detail this semester. Clairvoyance, is also known as 'inner sight'. One who is clairvoyant sees a whole world inside their own minds..."

I was kind of fascinated by the class and paying attention, until I spotted Alicia through the window in the door. She was making silly faces. I laughed out loud and that's when Mr. Todd stopped talking.

"Something amusing, Miss Jenkins?"

I shook my head. "No."

He went on with the class. I was restless, wondering what was up with Alicia, and super excited for the weekend.

When class was over, Alicia was waiting for me, an eager smile splitting her face in two. She hooked her arm in mine and dragged me through the halls towards the dorms. I struggled to keep up with her as we nipped our way through the crowd of kids. "Now you finally get to see what it's like to be a freaskter," she cheered.

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